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Kuro sat criss cross on his white bed as the doctor walked in. "Hello Kuro Ash" the doctor says staring at the patience that just gave him a demonic smile back.

"So I see you attacked you tenth therapist." He says jotting away on his clipboard. Kuro let out a dark chuckle smirking at the doctor. The doctor sighed and turned getting a shot ready.

Kuro reached under his pillow pulling out a knife and slowly climbing off the bed and walked behind the doctor. He traced the knife on his back and stabbed him right in the spinal cord causing him to get quickly paralyzed.

Kuro straddled the man and started to repeatedly stabbing him until he was lifeless. He got up and wiped the blood off his face turning and running out the place killing almost everyone that was in the building.

He stopped at a patience's door and stared on the inside at the blonde headed freak. He slowly unlocked the door and gave the boy a small wicked smile. "Didn't I promise to free you brother." He says. The boy looked up from his hands smiling.

He got up from the bed and they began to run down the hallway. The news people already got the news about the escape and imediatelly went live world wide.

Mahiru was walking home from the grocery store and watched the news on a t.v in a window.

"The servamp mental hospital says that two patients Lawless Hyde and Kuro Ash has escaped the hospital. The mayor has set a curfew to be in by 8:00."

Mahiru looked at his watched and sighed when his watch read 7:30. He only had a few minutes and he'll be home. So that's what he did.

As for Kuro and Lawless. "We need to split" kuro says slipping on the clothes they just stole. Lawless nodded and ran off. Kuro sighed and noticed a ladder going up on an apartment building.

He started to climb up it and climbed into a window that was opened. He climbed inside it and fell onto the floor. He groaned and sat down in front of the t.v that was left on.

" Recently the servamp mental hospital says that two patients Lawless Hyde and Kuro Ash has escaped the hospital. The mayor has set a curfew to be in by 8:00."

Kuro let out a evil laugh chuckling before his face went back to it's demonic smile. "They actually think that is going to stop us?" He says before snapping his head to the side when a boy walked in.  He watched the boy and as he turned on the light. "Turn it off it's so aggravating." Kuro mumbles.

The boy was Mahiru and he snapped his head upwards and widened his eyes. "w-who are you?" He says and goats at the bluenette boy.

"Me? Oh." He says.

"I'm Kuro Ash"

Mahiru let out a low gasp before darkness took over.

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