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Three Months Later

"I think we have something young master" a guy with a low blonde cut shouts from his computer. A man stood up from his desk strolling over to the desk.

"What is that?" He asks with a hint of interest in his voice. "Just three days ago in Japan there was a killing with a vampire involved. A civilian caught it on camera." The male says looking over at the tall male.


The room fell silent as the laugh echoed throughout the place. "Not interesting at all"

"Mr.Tsubaki? What do we do now?" A low voice ask. "Now we wait...and watch." He says.


Mahiru glared down at Kuro as he rolled over the floor. "Kuro! Clean this mess up!" The brown haired boy yells out at the vampire.

"Aish. Let me sle-"

"Sleepy Ash~ He is always sleeping. One day he will miss something very important from that."

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Licht yelled throwing a book at the blonde male. The other giggled rubbing his head.

"Anyway...dinner will be ready in a few. Go wash up."

Kuro stood up walking behind Mahiru as he walked into the kitchen. "Kuro? What are you doing?" He asks before widening his eyes when he was cornered between the wall and Kuro.

Mahiru gulped as Kuro licked his lips. Mahiru eyes widened more if that was possible when Kuro kissed him.

Kuro pulled back as quickly as he kissed the other. He looked away from Mahiru sitting at the table with the two that walked in. Mahiru cleared his throat biting on his lip.

"I'll be back in a little while" He says once he finished giving the others food. Kuro watched as he walked out the kitchen and the house door slam shut.

Mahiru sighed softly to himself a bit frustrated. Kuro had been doing that since last month. He'll kiss him and then move away like nothing happened. Mahiru pushed his hair back some before stopping when an outline of a person standing appeared in front of him. 

Mahiru frowned a bit going to turn around and head back to his apartment. "You're not interesting at all." A voice behind him said. He gasped turning around quickly not seeing anyone. He rushed back to his apartment closing the door behind him. 

"That was a short walk" Licht said from the couch causing Lawless and Kuro to look over at him. Mahiru looked down at the ground before laughing nervously. "Yeah it's pretty cold out there" he said before going back into the kitchen to finish making dinner. 

A/N: Sorry this is a bit short and tbh I kind of forgot about this story because I forgot where I was going with it. Now I have a new updated plot for it and thank you for being patience with this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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