Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 re-unite

I just pulled up to the boarding house their where two cars their so I guess the Stefan and Damon are here I just walk through the door and when I walk in I'm slammed into the door I glance up to see Damon their he sees that it's me and lets me go only to be pulled into a bone crushing hug.

Stefan hears the all the  noise and once he sees me I'm ripped from Damon’s grasp and into Stefan’s such a nice welcome home " why are you not dead Jem"   Damon asked "Katherine turned me" I said in a soft voice I started to softly cry "why didn't you look for us" Stefan asked " Katherine would have killed you if I did I only came back because I missed home I didn't expect you guys to be here" I stated Damon noticed my tears falling to the ground he took me from Stefan and hugged me "why are you crying" he said "I'm just so happy to be home" I said crying harder "come on let's get you to bed sweetie you must be tired from all the driving" Stefan said I just nodded once up in the room I was staying in they both kissed me on the forehead Damon was about to leave bit I stopped him "don't leave me please" I begged with tears in my eyes "don't cry sweetie everything will be ok" Damon said he got into the bed and held onto me until he called Stefan in to stay with me because he had to go somewhere I clung to Stefan like he was going to disappear Stefan softly sang to me and I soon fell asleep.

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