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Silently the skyboat lifted into the air. The wind elemental's hands clasped the hull and pushed the colossus, larger than the largest sea ship, effortlessly up into the clouds. Skysailors stood at their posts; lookout, archers, the navigator and the weather singer who guided the tempest. High above them in the mast flew the princely flag, but on deck, all was quiet.

'There isn't any wind,' Bo said, surprised.

The captain smiled. 'The tempest sends all the airflow around the ship. Otherwise we'd be blown off the deck when we get up to speed.'

'Ah, yes.' Bo felt annoyance at his own rather obvious remark. He turned and with great daring, stared down at the rolling landscape. Forests and castles passed in a blur and to his surprise, he wasn't even sick in the tempest's mighty grip.

Their speed was impressive, and two hours after Bo's arrival in Fantus's temple, they approached Camp Dirdahn.

'Smoke ahead!' the lookout cried.

Officers shouted commands and the embarked troops prepared for battle. Bo and Leudra stood by the railing and watched the dark clouds rising up through the treetops. All seemed quiet on the ground. Bo saw soldiers raking out the smoking remnants of the tents and carrying away the dead and wounded. When the troops noticed the skyboat, they paused in their work and waved excitedly.

The prince leaned over the railing and stared down at the long rows of bodies. 'What kind of monsters did this? So much devastation, so many victims.'

The young mage nodded. 'Firebirds.'

Then he saw Ghyll already waiting, with Olle beside him and behind his shoulder Torril with the royal banner lance. The blue-and-silver pennant was stained black, but radiated a clear message.

Bo saw again that fleeting, regretful smile around Leudra's mouth, and suddenly he understood its reason. Through his position as prince and Ghyll's cousin in the female line, Leudra was heir presumptive to the throne. Should he have cherished any illusions in the years of Ghyll's absence, they would all be dispelled now.

The skyboat came to rest above the hillside leading to Camp Dirdahn's main entrance. The crew threw down the landing nets and a few men climbed down rapidly to fasten the mooring lines.

'We have arrived, Highness,' the captain reported finally. 'Shall I have the chair prepared for you?'

'What chair?' Bo said.

The sky captain smiled and pointed to a solid wooden armchair beside the gangway. 'There it is. Especially for senior passengers and for those who are old or infirm. With it, we can effortlessly lower you to the ground, Adept.'

'No time,' Leudra said curtly. 'We will go down the net.'

'We?' Bo protested, but the prince had already gone overboard and climbed down with the agility of a skysailor.

The young mage sighed. He rolled his robe up to his waist and followed him down carefully.

The prince walked to the beckoning banner. His armor gleamed in the sun, his dark brown cloak billowed from his shoulders and his face was stern.

Ghyll watched him approaching, too tired to step forward. He wondered vaguely what impression he made, black-stained and with his face shiny with burn ointment. He had recognized the skyboat's standard as the Prince of Leudra's, so this must be Wyllander, his cousin and only blood relative. The regent had described him as an honorable man. First Noble of the kingdom and a powerful lord, yet the prince came to him. Did he know who the King's Lieutenant was? Bo went beside him, limping slightly. How did he get there? Had he gone for help? Then he wiped all thoughts from his mind and waited.

ZIHAEN, The Shadow of the Revenaunt, Book 2Where stories live. Discover now