Chapter Three: The boys

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The car ride was long and akward. I felt eyes locked on me the whole entire time if I moved even a inch a sharp kick would be inflicted to my ribs. I learnt after the third time to stay still because I could swear I had a broken rib. Derrick was staring at me intently taking in my features, and it made me feel like a piece of me, growling I looked up at him but quickly felt a foot go across my face. "Now now didn't I tell you kitten not to look at me. Now I am sure you know I am Derrick, and these are my brothers Lynk, Cassius, Razor, and Darcie. You WILL refer to all of us as Master, and any other vampire as Sir or Miss. By the end of the month we will decide who gets you and is your final Master. Until then you are all our play thing." I felt bile rise in my throat at the thought of being these mens toy. I felt a sudden halt as my body moved forward from the force. I was gripped by my hair who I assumed was Razor. The boys both headed to the house as I was dragged behind like a dog. My collar was to tight as I could feel my skin begin to bleed as it dragged across the cement. I began to scream out at them and kick but to no avail. I was soon thrown inside the house, Quickly I stood up and tried to run. I saw the large staircase that led to what looked like several rooms, running up the stairs I began to go through the hallways, going left and right, but I could hear the boys chuckle from behind me. "Ah kitten we all like a game of cat and mouse, but lets make this interesting. If you can escape we will let you go, but if we catch you we will make your life hell." 

   LIke it wasn't already! I ran even faster till I found a room with a large wardrobe. I quickly climbed inside and hid in the far corner, I tried to calm my breathing as I stayed underneath the clothes as best as I could, But I could see a light come on from the doors. I gulped quietly and hid farther in. "Come out come out wherever you are kitten." I could see blade in his hand. The man I assumed was Lynk stood 6'3. He wore black skinny jeans, a green tank top, and a black leather jacket ontop. I could hear the clicking of his boots on the floor while his black hair covered one of his eyes. He looked like he had the intent of murder in his eyes. As I moved back a glass globe fell from the top shelf, my eyes going wide as Lynk quickly turned to the door, slowly stalking over to me like a wolf hunting a rabbit. A dark gleam filled his eyes as he opened the door he smirked at me and grabbed my wrist so tightly I squiled. "S-stop that hurts let me go!" 

    "Tsk tsk looks like we win." I glared at Lynk as I was taken to the stairs where I was shoved down to the ground. As I hit the last step I looked up at the group of five each staring at me with hunger, but looking at Darcie I could see what looked like shame, but that didn't last long as I ended up passing out from the shock. Are they going to kill me?    


I thank those who have started to read this story! My biggest thanks to FlamingInk for being my first vote! If you have any suggestions let me know! I will try to update daily or weekly depends on the feedback!

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