HoneyMoon Avenue{Dirty/Sweet}

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Our house

"I know pronounce you Mrs/Mr. Taylor Caniff." The pastor said.

He leaned in and places his lips on hers. The sweet taste of peppermint lingering on her lips after he removed his from hers.

She looked down and blushed as everyone clapped and cheered. Everyone they loved had shown up. All the way to her parents down to his best friends. The only person that wasn't there was Bart. He was at a important meeting and very upset that he couldn't come.

They had told him it was fine and they would video tape the wedding. But still he felt bad.

The reception was loud and everyone was having a good time. They had amazing food and among friends. Kids were dancing. It was the best night of Hayley's life. Sure as it was Taylor's.

But it would only get better. That night Taylor had arranged for them to go to Barbados for the honeymoon. Did Hayley know? nope but she was in for a surprise I'll tell you that much.

Time passed and the reception slowly died down a little. People started stirring and talking to each other and then it was time. For the moment everyone had waited for.

The Husband and Wife dance.

Taylor walked up to Hayley like a complete gentlemen. She had blushed when he kissed her cheek and when he bowed waiting for her to accept his dance request.

She accepted and they walked hand in hand to the middle of the dance floor.

Because they were so young. Both twenty. They wanted something soft and sweet. They choose the lovely Ariana Grande to sing at their wedding.

She came out in a beautiful dress that Hayley's mother had designed. It was a mid thigh sweat heart neckline with lace all over. But it was a shining red. It was too die for. Everyone wanted on. Every lady of course.

*Ariana singing Honeymoon Avenue*

They danced and danced. People stared in awe as the lovely couple never took their eyes off each other. Taylor would occasionally whisper things into Hayley's ear making her laugh and smile and blush. She didn't mind. She loved Taylor and he loved her.

The song soon came to an end as Ariana finished it.

She did a congraulations speech and walked off stage returning to her seat.


"Goodbye everyone!" Hayley said as the window of the limo slowly rolled up.

"Taylor, babe where are we going?" She said playing with his fingers that rested in his lap.

"It's a surprise beautiful. But you will love it. I can tell you that." He said to her.

She nodded and pulled out her phone looking at all the pictures they had from tonight. But not just pictures. Memories. Memories that are forever.

They got onto their plane and went into the back room for private time. Taylor laid on the bed and she straddled his waist.

"Is it bad that I want you ontop of me like this all the time. " he said as she laughed.

"Sometimes maybe. But not all the time." She smiled.

"Your literally perfection." He leaned up and kissed her. He expected one peck.

Hayley on the other wanted more than a simple peck.

She undid his shirt and pulled it over his head in a flash.

Taylor knew what was happening. She wanted him. There was no denying her. Especially if he wanted her too. Lust and desire swam in his eyes. She could tell.

When they had finally removed they clothes. Taylor had her under him.

He pushed himself Into her within the first thrust he was fully into her.

Taylor's Pov:

"Shit." I groaned feeling her walls clench around me.

"Oh god!" she put her hands in my hair and wrapped her legs around my waist.

I began thrusting into her until they bed was shaking.

"Fuck me!" she screamed and I smirked.

I bent down and kissed her body all over.

"Your so tight." I said pounding into her.

"God your so good Taylor. I love you. Go harder." She moaned

"God I'm gonna cum." I growled.

I pushed into her harder. Her legs were shaking.

I grabbed her waist and went as hard as I can.

"Cum for me baby girl. I know you need to release. I want your cum all over me." I said as she screamed out her release.

I let out of a muffled moan. My organs hitting me hard as a wrecking ball and a building.

I pulled out of her and laid beside her.

"I love you Mrs. Caniff." I said kissing her forehead.

"I love you." she said.

Okay so I rewrote it and finished it. Here you go Hayley. I still have like twenty something to go. Like dayyumm.

I love you all.

Stay hypey bruh


Magcon Boys Imagines {Finished}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang