Dr. Dallas

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Y/N Pov:

"Mom, I'm old enough to go into the clinic by myself." I said.

I'm seventeen years old and she doesn't trust me. Parents these days.

"Are you sure darling. I can come in and wait with you." She said and I shook my head no.

"Just go to the mall or something mom. I'll be fine." I said getting out of the car and walking into the clinic.

I walked over to the front desk and saw the receptionist doing paperwork. I tapped the little bell on her desk getting her attention.

"Hi, I'm Y/N, here to see Dr. Dallas." I said and she nodded.

"Go on in sweetie. Room 3 go down the hall and make a left and he's waiting for you." She said and I smiled thanking her.

Walking down the hall and making a left as the lady directed I made it to room 3. I walked in the room but he wasn't there.

I sat down on the bed and waited instead of being rude and walk out. 5 minutes later a kid around y age walked in wearing a Dr. Coat. I was last confused.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Dallas, what seems to be the problem?" He said and I was still in shock not talking.

"Aren't you like my age?" I said shockingly.

"Well actually I am 18 Y/N. You are 17, so technically no." He said sitting on the stool.

He grabbed the arm pump and began checking my pulse. I'm sure it was sky high by now. He had beautiful brown eyes and his hair an ombré color with little light brown tips. He was tall and very fit. Good Lord where mom when you need her.

"Alright now I'm gonna check your shoulders for any tension." He said and I nodded.

I don't understand why he was doing all this. The real reason I was here was because my mom thinks that I'm sexually active and wants me to get some pills. I lost my virginity two years again to asshole of an ex James. Your typical story bad boy. I don't even wanna talk about it.

He began running my shoulders and I let out a loud moaning accident. He stopped moving his hands and soon I felt his lips kiss my shoulders. I shiver at his touch and close my eyes slowly.

He slips my right shoulder sleeve down and began kissing me body.

My body began overheating. I haven't been kissed like this before. I don't know what to do. I pulled away slowly and got up and got off the bed and stood in front of it turning to face him.

He licked his lips and walked toward me. He reached his hands out and grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him. Moving his hands up to my hair pushing my face closer to his.

"God, I'm so going to get fired." He said before smashing our lips together.

My body was on fire. My legs were wobbling. My knees wanted to buckle. He had the softest lips. So smooth yet full.

When he pulled away he sat me on the bed and walked out of the room saying he would be right back.

5 minutes later

He came shirtless. I began panting and breathing heavily. He walked to me and picked me up and laid me down on the bed hovering ontop of me. He placed kisses all over my neck as he removed my shirt.

Soon my shirt was gone and so was my bra and shorts. I was left in my underwear. I was naked in front of him.

He began grinding on me as I locked my arms around his neck and felt a tightening ache in my stomach.

"Holy-" before I could finish he stopped grinding and removed my underwear and his remaining clothes.

He gave me a pill with water which I was guessing a Birth Control Pill.

He laid me back down and positioned hisself in front of him. He looked up at me for permission. I nodded and he pushed into me.

He was so big. I loved it. He made me feel whole. My whole body was shaking with pleasure. He rested his forehead on mine and began moving.

"Fuck- fuck- fuck- fuck -fuck!" Cameron Growled.

"Faster, harder, deeper." I moaned he picked up is pace making sure to curve his body in every way to make sure I was sastified.

"Like that baby?" He moaned and I nodded before letting out a breathy moan.

"Your so tight. So wet." He moaned.

"Only for you Cameron, AHH god I'm so close." I moaned wrapping my legs around him and flipping us.

"Ride me baby, please" he moaned and I nodded as my breathing got harder.

I began rocking my hips back and forth up and down side to side and around and around. I even began bouncing a little an began tightening around him with every bounce I gave.

"Holy shit, keep doing that. That felt SO FUCKING GOOD." He screamed and I began rubbing up and down his body. He grabbed my hips and forced all my motions harder than they were.

"AHHH I'm gonna cum baby, oh god." I moaned feeling him get harder inside of me.

"Me too baby!" He agreed.

I began bouncing harder and rocking harder forcing my orgasm on him.

"Al-most thereeeee" I moaned out leaning down to kiss him.

He flipped us back in our original position and began pounding into me.

"Ahhh God HERE I CUMMMMMM AHHH FUCK!" He moans filling me up with his cum.

I pull him down to kiss me as my orgasm sends me into an overdraft of pleasure. I grip his hair and hands and kiss him once as my lips open on his as his breath flows into my mouth.

He pulled out of me after riding out our release and puts my clothes on me. He gets dressed and we walk out the back.

"Where are we going. You have more patience." I asked as his hands wrap with mine.

"Your so intoxicating. We are going to my house. I quit. I told Barbra I was gonna fuck you hard and good. And she stood there shocked and said okay whatever. She called your mom. She said as long as I get you home by 3:00 your good." He said as we got into his limo.

"I don't need that job anyway. I'm hella rich baby. Whatever you want. You can have it." He said and I moaned as he poured himself some champagne.

I moved and sat on his lap and began grinding as he threw his head back.

"I want you baby. All day everyday." I said as he smirked and kissed me and whispering in his raspy voice.

"Baby, I'm not afraid to fuck you in the back of this limo." He said and I moaned as I continued to move my hips.

"Over and I ever again until you can't take me anymore." He whispered in my ears and I whimpered.

A pool of wetness soaked my shorts and we both looked down.

"Hmm baby, Such a naughty naughty girl Y/N." he said and I moaned as I pushed my hips down into his releasing another orgasm of mine. He grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face in front of his.

"When we get to my house. Your gonna get everything you want baby. I promise." He said before kissing me hard and I moaned.


Whoa, should I make that a sex series. Maybe I will if I get at least five yea's then I will.

The feels are so fricking real now. Honestly my cameron feels have been all over the place lately and I needed this.

Dip me in holy water right now.

Other than that. I'm gonna go. Don't forget. Jake Miller imagines coming out in January. Send In those early requests babes.

Love YA 💘❤️


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