#2 who run the world? Girls!

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I wake up to Roos "ugh these clothes are to big!....Wait maybe if i  just..." "Roos we're in the 17th century, you can't show to much. You're already wearing pants" I say. "but look at me" "Think about all your history lessons, you can't wear somthing to revealing" "Can you two please shut up!?" Asks Anna. "Well some one's cranky" Says Porthos. 

"Wha... you could have knocked!" Roos says in a shoked tone. "We're coming just need to get dressed" i say to Porthos in a calm voice and walk to the chair with my clothes on it. "you could wait outside you know" i say when i see he still hasn't left. "uhm yes, i will go wait outside"

Once all three of us were ready to go outside when there was a voice i didn't recognize. When we walk outside we see Athos and a boy we don't know fighting. "What's going on?" i ask "He killed my father!" Says the boy i dont know. "Wait, what?" "i did not kill your father" says Athos. "stop fighting for a minute!" says Anna. But they don't listen so i trow a random knife in a pole next to them. They both look my way "Can't we just talk about it like adults" but that didn't work so i got the sword from my belt and fight the boy. When i finally connor him with the help of Athos.

"what's your name?" i ask him. "My name is D'artagnan, i came to bring justice in behave of my father" "so D'artagnan, you are telling me that this man murderd your father?" "Yes i am" "When did this happen?" "Last night. Now let me finish what i started" "Well that's impressive. Athos , you got an double ganger? Because al i know is that these 3 man saved the life's of my friends and me last night" i may exaggerated a bit, but still. "Than why did my father say his name before he died?" "well, i don't know. But you better back out of this fight or this" i stabbed my sword next to his feet "could be your feet". 

While i was walking away i see a knife fly towards my arm. Luckly it only made a little cut. "DID YOU JUST HURT MY FRIEND!?" i hear Anna. "YOU B*STARD!!" Roos calls out. All of a sudden i see Anna, Roos, Porthos, Aramis and Athos standing over D'artagnan swords in his direction. "STOP FIGHTING. ALL OF YOU! Is five against one fair!?" says a woman who came rushing in. "We weren't going to kill him" says Athos. "Weren't we? Next time let us know" says Aramis.

"Madam Bonacieux, what are you doing here?" askes Athos. "I followed him, because i knew he was gonna do something stupid" "I don't need a woman to protect me" "Don't say another word" "If only men would think instead of fight. And you three to"Says madam Bonacieux. 

"What is going on?" Asks Someone who just walked in. "never mind. Did you find Cornet?" "He never made it to the monestrie. give us 20 men to search the road to Chartres" answers Athos. "Athos, i'm sorry" suddenly there were men walking towards him. "These men have come to arrest you. You have to appear before the king, immediately. charged with robbery and murder. I promised them there won't be any trouble" Athos turns to D'artagnan "I'm not the man you're looking for" "Why did my father name you before he died?" "I don't know". "But he didn't do anything!!" Roos calls out behind them, but it didn't work. 

-------time skip to the court------

"this man stands acused of high way robbery, assault and murder. While Captain Treville looks the other way his men ride in the streets" "Those accusions are fals, your majesty" Says 'captain Treville'. "You. Tell the king what happend" The judge, i think, says to a man. "The musketeer Athos and his men, robbed me and murderd two of my geusts. Michel Fournier and Alexandre D'artagnan." "I have never seen this man before in my life" says Athos. I couldn't look at how an innocent man was being accused for thing he didn't do, and we all know how that kind of things end in 1600. So i walked out of the room. 


When it's over i hear from the rest he is to be executed in the morning. So we go to D'artagnan to ask if he finnaly came to his senses and ask if he wants to help. Turns out D'artagnan wants to help us so he can know who really killed his father. So we rode to the place where D'artagnan shot someone of the so called musketeers. But only Roos can ride a horse, Anna and i can't. That's why Anna is sitting on a horse with Roos and i am on a horse with Porthos. 

When we arrived at the body Aramis and Porthos says that the man isn't a musketeer. The body lead us to the body's of the real musketeers. That's also where Porthos found an Spanish coin. You don't see Spanish money very often in France and he had seen 2 in a week now, he won it from a red gaurd. So that's exactly where we went next. That's why right now we are in a barn with the red gaurd we just kidnapped. 

"time to pay the reckoning for Cornet" says Aramis. "bet he's gonna say: i have no idea what you're talking about" Says Porthos to Aramis. "and then we have to hurt him" Answers Aramis. "At which point, he will suddenly remember he killed him. Why wait? Let's just hurt him now"   "It could go like that. Or we can just skip to the confession part. It would save us time, and you pain. A lot of pain" "i was just following orders" Answers the red gaurd. "He was just following orders" repeats Porthos. "We'd better let him go then" Answers Aramis. Porthos picks up the red gaurd. "I...i can't tell you! They'll kill me!" Says the red gaurd in panic. "No need for that. We're not brutes." "you sure about that?" askes Anna, Aramis gives her a look and turns back to the gaurd. "We'll just shoot him" Aramis smirks and looks at Anna. "What? no, listen, you can't, please"

"You know, people say i'm quite good with these" Porthos chuckels "Good? He's the best. He's so modest." "But the musket isn't the most reliable weapon. From 100 yards, i'll probably miss as often as i hit. From 50, wel, i rarely miss. But from 10? It's just a matter of which vital organ do i choose to hit first?" "no, no, no, please, listen, listen..." "Heart?" askes Porthos. "to swift. The liver perhaps. Or a stomach shot. Death is inevitable, but you'll bleed for hours first" "you can't. This is murder" "Well, we won't tell, if you won't" says Porthos. Aramis points the gun, and pulls the lever, But nothing happend. Porthos moves close to the gaurds ear and wispers "Bang".        

 "i forgot the ball! This time...." right before he puts the ball in the gun, the gaurd answers "it was captain Gaudet" "of the red gaurds?"asks Porthos. "He told us to do it. He said he wanted a few men for a special mission. Something unofficial. An ambush to steal the king's letters. But Gaudet went mad. He killed them all. None of us knew it would be murder"

 We also asked him about the Spanish gold, but we couldn't ask much more because D'artagnan grabbed the man by his collar "Who murderd my father? Who?" "Gaudet. It was Gaudet" "D'artagnan, calm down. You will get justice for your father" i said, and he calmed down a bit. "He did it to blacken Athos's name. I'm not like him. I'm not a killer. I'm a soldier, like you." "Where is Gaudet now?" "He's camped in the old ruins, outside the city gates" we let him go and we're of to the camping place. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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