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Hey guys!!! Sorry for not update so long but my school stuffs kinda alot so I only can write a new chapter in two or three weeks. I'm truly sorry guys.

My life is getting more awful day by day. First, my family has been gone bad alot. My parents always fighting make me so depressed.

Second is the baddest thing, I confessed to my crush but he rejected me make me kinda don't want to live anymore.

Every night I would cry all the night till I sleep. The time I got rejected was like my whole world stopped. I forced a smile and said "It's ok!! I hope you will be happy with your love. Bye!!!" With that I ran off, ignored his voice was calling me.

I went to school and wore a smile the next day. He thought I was okay. But the only thing he didn't know that I was not ok. I was only forced a smile, so my friends wouldn't worried about me. He didn't know that my heart was broken 💔💔He didn't know that I closed the door to my heart. He didn't know that my heart was frozen💙💙 He didn't know that I only love him. He didn't know that those smiles I wore were fake. He didn't know that I cut myself. He didn't know that he doesn't know anything about me after rejected me.

After that, I knew love is not always a fairy tale. A true love is hard to be found. A true soul mate is not easy to have.

And there's a very important thing, a true friend is not easy to have. A true friend is someone who always by our sides. Because of the rejection, I knew that friend is more important than love. My friend always by my side, but because of love, I was too blind to see it. Now I know, friendships are more important than relationships.

So if you guys have best friends, don't leave them behind 'cause they will always be the one who can comfort you, the one who understand you the most, the one who will be by your side for the rest of your life. Have friend means your life will be better.

Trust me, I have gone through those things, so I have kept my friends closer than before. I will never leave my friends behind because of those boys again. Nothing gonna tear our friendship apart. NOTHING...

I also want to thanks my besties who always by my side Mericcup_Fangirl and XxJelsaMericcupxX Thanks for comforted me, girls. I would be broken if I wasn't have you as my friends. Thanks a lots!!!! I don't know what to do to show you how much I want to thanked you. I only know saying thank you😄😄😄

I hope you guys understand. Don't worry about me, kay??? I will get over this soon. And of course I'll update as soon as I can.


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