Chapter 9- Andy's POV

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I hopped on the hood of the same car I rested on a few days ago, a gun with loaded bullets next to me. I stared up at the night sky and sighed. I began singing My Chemical Romance's the Light Behind Your Eyes. CC hates me, Jinxx and Jayy are probably scared of me, Dahvie is dead, Jake is infected and hates our guts. Ashley....... I don't even know if he truly loves me anymore.

Movement made me stop singing and look forward. I saw something in the distance stagger up and glared. I got down and jumped the barricades, walking up slowly to the thing. "Hello? Jake? You sneaky bastard...... Better not be you." I say. The creature turns towards me and I drop my gun. "Dahvie......"

He smiled slightly, hollow eyes meeting mine. "Hello again Andy. Can I explain?" he said, his voice still screechy like a zombie. I nod my head and inch towards him. "When Ashley shot me in the head, the bullet never went through my brain, which never killed me. Instead, it brought my sanity back. Crazy, right?"

A smile forms on my face and I pull him into hug. "Jayy was right....... All we need is communication......" Dahvie frowns. "How is he?" I sigh. "He's upset about your 'death'. Come back with me." He smiled and nodded. As we walked back, I was a grinning idiot. "Hungry?" Dahvie's head whipped towards me, nodding rapidly.

I chuckle. "I don't have brains, but I do have cooked deer meat. Can you eat that?" He shrugs. We both hop the barricades and I told him to stay put. I walked inside the building and grabbed some of the deer meat. I walked back outside and spotted him sitting on the car.

I walk over to him and handed him the food. He dug into the food and I chuckled. "It's good to have you back Dahvie." He looks up and smiles. "It's good to be back. Jake changed me to be apart of his army of zombies. Andy, he's planning something awful....." I frown. "What is that exactly?" He looked down. "He wants you and Ashley dead."

I sigh. "I should've known." He finishes his meat and sighs, content. "Want me to go get Jayy?" I ask. He smiles, but then he frowns. "Wouldn't he freak out about me still being.....this?" I shrug. "Maybe.....I don't know." I look at him. "Stay here. I'll be right back."

I walked back into the building and to the one room. Everyone was still awake, talking to each other. They froze when I entered, that idiotic smile still on my face. "The fuck are you smiling about?" CC snarled. I ignored him. "I have a surprise for you, Jayy."

He blinked and jumped down from his bed. He followed me back outside. "Close your eyes." I say. He rolls his eyes and obeys. I look around and find Dahvie gone. "Come out!" I say. Jayy tenses when he heard shuffling. I snicker and see Dahvie walk out from the tent thing.

I let go of Jayy and stepped back. "Open." I say. He does so and his eyes widen. "D-Dahvie!" he gasped. "Hey Jayy." Dahvie spoke. "When Ashley shot him in the head, the bullet didn't pass through his brain. It brought his sanity back instead of killing him." I explained.

A giant smile formed on Jayy's face and he ran up to Dahvie, pulling him into a hug. Dahvie hugged him back, smiling. I smiled at the scene and walked back to the car, taking my spot back on the hood. I pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

Jayy and Dahvie walked up to me. "Why don't you go inside Andy. Dahvie and I can watch." I blink in surprise and smiled at the two. "Sure. Have fun you two." I say, taking a drag of my cig. I get off the car and Dahvie and Jayy take my spot.

I finished my cig and walked back inside. I walked back to the room and walked to Ashley's bed. He smiled at me and I sat next to him. "Where's Jayy? Did you make him run away too?" CC growled. I sighed. "He took the watch shift. Quit acting like a douche or go join Jake!" I hiss.

He snorted. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arm around Ashley's waist. He grinned at me and led me out of the room. I smirked at he led me to the room I saved him in. He pushed me against the wall, kissing me roughly but passionately. I groaned and kissed him back. I wrapped my arms around his waist.

His lips trail down my jawline and to my neck. They met a spot and nipped softly. I let out a soft moan and he smirks against my neck. He placed my hands around his neck and brought my legs up. I smirked and wrapped them around his waist. He held me up by my waist and I felt his warm breath on my neck. "I love you so much Andy. Don't ever think anything different."

I smile at him and kiss him. He returns it immediately. We heard footsteps, but shrugged it off. I could really care less if anyone finds out Ashley and I are together. "Am I.......interrupting?" Jinxx said. Ashley and I chuckle. "No."

Ashley sets me down and we walk back with Jinxx. I got in Ashley's bed with him and he curled up into my side. "I love you." he said, yawning. I smile and wrap my arm around him. "I love you too, Ash." I kiss his head and fall asleep.

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