Chapter two: This is my life now

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Chapter 2: This is my life now


“You’ve been- I didn’t- you’re the mechanic” Emma stuttered out shaking her head she pushed Bryan back. He moved a few inches before reaching out to help Emma out.

“I don’t need your help” Emma said her face in a very long frown as she slid from the passenger seat.

Bryan’s face fell for a moment before he grinned again and followed Emma to her now fixed car. He ran in front of her and opened her drivers side door before she could reach the car.

“I will meet you back at G and S tire so I can pay for your services” Emma muttered climbing back into her car.

“You don’t have to” Bryan said holding Emma’s door open as she tried to pull it closed.

“I’ll pay” Emma said yanking her door closed before she pulled off heading towards town.

Emma pulled up to G and S and quickly got out heading straight into the office ignoring the old service truck pulling up right beside her car.

“How much do I owe for the tire fix” Emma asked walking right up to the front desk where Gary sat sitting next to a younger woman with blondish short hair.

“Emma” the woman questioned looking at Gary and then Bryan as he entered right behind her.

“Hello Anita. How much is the tire fix” Emma asked again ignoring Bryan standing behind her.

Gary looked back at Bryan who shook his head “Nothing” Gary said standing “it’s all covered you go pick up Kaylie.”

“Why is it covered” Emma asked turning to Bryan who put a big smile on his face “You know what I don’t want to know.” Emma laid down a twenty and moved as far away from Bryan as possible before shoving the door hard and almost running back to her car.

Emma had just sat down and was pulling the car door closed when a hand shot out and held it open.

“Wait Emmy” Bryan said pulling the door completely open and standing in the way of Emma closing it.

“It’s not Emmy. It’s Emma” Emma stated glaring up at Bryan as he bent down and kneeled in front of the drivers side door.

“You’ve been getting the checks I’ve been sending right” Bryan asked sighing as he placed his hands on either side of the door. Emma noticed that even at 6’1 Bryan had some how grown up in the last three years. He was still 6’1 but even in the loose tee shirt that he was wearing Emma could tell he had gained at least 40lbs making him over 200lbs now but none of it seemed to be fat.

Bryan grinned noticing that Emma had looked him over “Like what you see? Nice huh” Bryan grinned at Emma’s shocked face.

Rolling her eyes Emma glared hard at Bryan “Yes. Kaylie has received your monthly checks now leave” she said shoving Bryan back. He laughed when he didn’t budge.

“Go the hell away like you have for the last three years Bryan” Emma yelled making the smile fall right off Bryan’s face.

“Emma I’m here now” Bryan said standing as he looked down at the ground “I want to make that mean something to you. I will make that mean something to you and Kaylie. I want to see her and you.”

“Well as of right now that wont be happening. Maybe when I calm down a little I’ll think about setting up visitations with Kaylie. So back off” Emma state pushing Bryan the inch away she needed to close her door. Ignoring Bryan Emma fastened her seat belt and quickly pulled out of the parking lot.

Pulling up to the daycare Emma sighing and laid her head down on the steering wheel closing her eyes she tried to relax her shaking body.

“Nobody else has ever been able to make me feel so- so much that I can’t stop shaking” Emma sighed again before stepping out of the car and walking up to the front door.

“Momma Momma” a tall five year old ran up to Emma once she entered the back classroom. The five year old jumped into Emma’s waiting arms. She was the image of Emma. With light blonde hair flowing down to the center of her back Kaylie hugged her mother tightly with a big smile on her tanner face. Pulling back Kaylie looked up at Emma with her bright blue eyes that reminded Emma of Bryan.

“Hi Baby girl” Emma whispered hugging her again before setting the five year old down.

“Can we go to the park Momma” Kaylie asked grabbing her school bag and waving bye to her teacher and the few students still left in the class.

“Uh not tonight baby. Steven’s doing training today and will be home tonight so we’ve got to get to the store. He goes back to work tomorrow night and we can go then sweetie” Emma said leading Kaylie outside to the car and helping her into her booster seat in the back.

“Can we have chicken nuggets tonight momma” Kaylie asked as they pulled away from the daycare.

“Yes baby I’ll grab you something to eat but you have to eat it quickly and start on your home work while mommy cleans and makes dinner” Emma said pulling into Heb.


Emma glanced at the clock 9:58pm. Glancing around Emma looked at the plate of food sitting in the over to the freshly cleaned dishes in the washer and the clean counter and sink.

“Kaylie” Emma called walking out of the kitchen and down the hall towards the spare bedrooms.

“Yes Momma” Kaylie called as Emma walked into the very pink and purple girl room. Emma smiled as Kaylie was sitting at her princess table her homework to the side and her colors out.

“Baby girl it’s bed time. Steven will be here soon so I want you asleep please” Emma said helping Kaylie pick up all the colors.

“Ok Momma” Kaylie said putting her homework in her hello kitty backpack.

“Come on big girl” Emma said smiling and lifting Kaylie onto her princess quilted bed. Pulling the covers over Kaylie Emma kissed her head pushing the play button on the radio next to Kaylie’s bed.


Emma sat silently waiting at the kitchen table as Steven walked into the house.

“Emma where’s the kid” Steven asked tossing his coat at Emma.

“She’s asleep” Emma said hanging the coat on the back of the chair.

“Food” he asked looking around.

“In the oven” Emma said standing next to the table silently looking at the floor.

“Good” he said pulling the plate out before sitting at the table where the silver wear was set up next to a cold beer.

“What” Steven asked with his mouth full when he noticed that Emma was still standing next to the table.

“Bryan is apparently back in town and would like to see Kaylie” Emma said watching Steven’s face turn red.

“You talked to him” Steven said setting down the fork and cleaning off his face as he stood.

“Yes. I had a flat tire and he was the only mechanic they had to fix it” Emma said backing away as Steven stepped closer to her.

“You could have called me” Steven said grabbing Emma’s arm as her back hit the kitchen door.

“I knew you were busy at work and that you wouldn’t be able to take off easily” Emma said looking away as Steven pressed his body closer.

“That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have” Steven yelled putting his free hand lightly against Emma’s check before running it down her neck before stopping at the base of her neck. He rubbed his thumb lightly on her neck as he smirked.

“Please not my neck” Emma whispered still looking away “It’s to hot for me to wear something on my neck.”

“don’t tell me what to do Emma dear” Steven muttered in anger as he tightened his grip on Emma’s neck.

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