Mother's Day

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This is a dream where I think I am living in a day of the life of my mother. Only it's her wedding day. She was smiling and ready to walk down the aisle, next to her is grand-pa waiting to escort her down. Then that green light struck again and grandpa suddenly is dead and unconscious next to a green glasses of wine. It happened so fast and no one knew what to say. We blamed the surroundings but no proofs or facts that anyone of the suspects did it . That green light came and left as fast as lightning . Everyone blaming everything except mother.Crying and praying that this isn't happening . She looked down hoping to find a heartbeat . She look and searched for anything really . Any sign of living . But blood dripping out of his ears makes it obvious that the drink was poisoned. Chance of him surviving were none . She said here goodbye and forever promised herself to not bring up this event . In fear that it would break her for good . Already torn apart she couldn't risque it . The day of her marriage was now and forever just a fade mémoire to the one present . And a nightmare for the queen .

After that dream I snap out remarking yet again the tears dripping down my face . Grandpa was also a victime of the green light . Many question was now left unanswered . Why did the green force attack my grandfather and not my mother? Why was did he poisoned himself and not prick a finger? And why isn't he sleeping as I am? But the biggest question was who is this green force and how does it reach us.

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