Chapter Five

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Mari-Anna's Pov

'I'm gonna paint you by numbers

and colour you in

if things go right we can frame it, and put you on a wall

And it's so hard to say it but I've been here before

and I will surrender up my heart

and swap it for yours

I'm out of touch, I'm out of love

I'll pick you up when you're getting down

and out of all these things I've done

I think I love you better now'

My alarm went off loudly at seven a.m, with 'Leog house' on the radio, pulling me from my deep sleep. I groaned, slowly dragging myself out of  bed and towards the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, nearly scaring myself, "I.Look.Like.A. Fucking. Zombie." I cursed as I saw the bags under my eyes. I quickly hopped into the shower, ten minutes later I hopped out, shivering from the cold and put on my robe. In my room, I brushed my bleach blond hair, slipping on my clothes and then straighted my hair, then headed to the kitchen, where my brother was making toast.

"Morning," I greeted him, cheerfully, as I tried to cover my groan.

"Good morning, Mari," William replied with a smile on his face.

I sat at the table, where a plate was placed, with a slice of toast and glass of orange juice, I frowned, "Where is my bowl of coca pops?" I asked curiously.

"We ran out," William explained, " I promise, I'll buy some today." He saw the look of disappointment on my face, "But can you survive with eating a piece of toast for one day?" he asked dramatically.

"Ha Ha, you're so funny, not," I said, annoyed, "Of course I can survive."

I ate my  toast quickly and gulped down my orange juice, I then went back to my room, I grabbed my favourite, purple, tote/bag, putting my new books, that Mindy gave me in it.

I was all set and ready for school, I checked myself over in the mirror again and brushed my teeth. By quarter past eight, Mindy called me to get in the car. Mindy drove me to the entrance of Woodsville High and dropped me off, rolling down the window, "Have a good day Hun," she told me, encouragingly.

"I'll try my best," I smiled, confidently. I watched Mindy drive away, before slowly start walking up the stairs telling myself, "New day, new school, fresh start," I took a deep breath as I pushed open the wooden doors.


Sorry its short I swear the next chapter will be longer :) hope you enjoy, please vote fan and comment


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