Chapter Eleven

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Mari-Anna's Pov

We all looked in the direction of where the scream came from, seeing a crowd. "What the hell?" April said, curiously as she ran towards the crowd. Melanie, Aish and I followed her to find, a very upset looking Kelly in the middle.

"How the hell could you do this to me?!  After all we have been through!" Kelly was screaming at someone, who wasn't visible from where we were standing.

"Calm down Kelly," a familiar voice told her. Melanie gasped beside me, April did the same on the other side of me. I moved to see who it was, standing there in the middle, trying to calm Kelly down, was Erik.

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down! I have been called a bitch by some cow and now you're dumping me? Way to make a girl's day Erik," Kelly shouted, sarcastically.

"Kelly, please don't make a scene," Erik started to say, then Forest cut him off.

"A little too late for that, Erik," she gestured to look around as she pulled a very distraught Kelly into her embrace, "Kelly doesn't deserve this shit!" Forest shouted at Erik.

"Oh please!" I looked at April, "Kelly get over the fact, that Erik has finally seen the real bitchy whore you are!" she yelled, I was shocked, I knew April could get aggravated but this was the first time I saw her get angry. "I have known you for many years, only two years ago, you went from being my best friends to my worst enemy, ever since then, you have been nothing but an attention seeking whore, "April heaved out a big breath. "Mari-Anna had every right to judge you as she did, since she barely knew you but she still saw straight through your fake sweetness." I was shocked at what she just said, April froze next to me realising what she had said.

Everyone's eyes were now on me, 'Great, first day and I already have enemies,' I complained in my thoughts, before I spoke, "I agree with April, yeah I didn't know you very well, Kelly, but I knew you were a bitch once you judged my old school."

Erik's face was full of shock, "Kelly, I never knew you would do something like that," Erik looked at Kelly disappointment in his eyes.

"Don't get me started on you, Erik Moore!" April turned to Erik with anger on her face."My best friend has had a crush on you since primary school, only yesterday did you realise she existed." I saw Melanie's face lose all its colour as she stood there shocked beside me.

"Melanie? Melanie Taylor? Has a crush on Erik?" Kelly looked at Melanie with an raised eyebrow.

"Melanie, is this true?" Erik asked Mel.

"I I I have to go," Melanie stuttered as she ran from beside me and out of the huge crowd.

"April! You idiot!" Aish shook his head and also ran from the crowd after Mel.

"Oh, shit! What have I done!?," April realised everything she had said and ran also, leaving me hopelessly standing on my own.

'Great just great,' I thought.

"Well, I have to run too," I said before sprinting out of the crowd, not looking back.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, so much drama happening xD

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------------------------------> photo of Woodsville High

~Hayley xo

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