To Love a Shadowhunter

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"Are you really going to risk your life for a Shadowhunter?"

Those were some of the last words that Magnus Bane had said to Dot before he stepped through his portal to his lair, protecting only the warlocks. Abandoning the rest of the Shadow World to Valentine and his Circle.

Dot wasn't sure how long she had been under Valentine's control, but now as she stood on Magnus' balcony, hours after Magnus and Clary had portalled away to the Institute, to save both Shadowhunters and Downworlders, she knew something had changed.

Someone had changed him.


Morning after 2x10, Alec and Magnus come back to the loft and spend the morning in the bedroom. Some hours later, Magnus emerges and has a conversation with Dot about what it means to love a Shadowhunter. Basically, Malec smut bookended by Downworlder musings on their relationships with Shadowhunters.


Dot stood on the balcony for hours, looking over New York City. The sun had risen, and the feeling of dread that had gripped her hours earlier as she'd seen the Institute light up had only grown.

She had felt the Soul Sword be activated. Anyone of the Downworld would have felt it. She had also felt it be deactivated, and breathed a sigh of relief.

But Magnus wasn't home yet. Had he been caught up in the blast that had lit up the Institute? Had Valentine killed him? If he was safe, why hadn't he returned home?

Dot heard the front door open, and turned to see who it was, hoping that it would be Magnus, that he had returned and would be able to explain what had happened at the Institute that night.

Before she could step back into the living room, she could see that it was Magnus. She breathed a sigh of relief and was about to open her mouth to speak when she saw Magnus certainly had something else on his mind.

Someone else, rather. He wasn't alone.

As soon as the door closed behind him, Magnus pushed the man he was with up against it, kissing him like he was afraid that he would disappear and slip through his fingers if he let go. The other man reciprocated the kiss, clinging to Magnus tightly, and after a few moments, he pushed back from the door and pulled Magnus towards his bedroom, and Magnus followed him closely, never letting the other man out of his grasp.

Before they disappeared around the corner, Dot saw the runes peeking out from the other man's shirt, and now knew what had changed Magnus' mind.

He was in love with a Shadowhunter.

As she heard the bedroom door close, Dot retreated towards the guest bedroom on the other side of the loft, to give the men some privacy, helpfully putting up a sound barrier around the master suite.

* * *

As soon as the bedroom door was closed behind them, Alec was on Magnus again, pinning him back against the door this time, pouring all of himself into the kiss, pulling back only when breathing became a necessity.
He pulled back, panting, hearing Magnus' rough breathing as well, and looked down to meet his eyes.

Magnus' glamour had fallen, and his cat eyes looked back at Alec. He brought both hands up to the warlock's face, cradling his head and running his thumbs over Magnus' cheekbones.

"I love you." Alec breathed.

"Even these?" Magnus asked. "Even the demon part of me?"

"All of you. Always." Alec said. "I... I don't know what I would have done if I'd lost you. I'd just found you. I..." Alec's voice cracked and he buried his face in Magnus' shoulder.

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