Liar Liar

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By: solacing

yesyesyesyeyes! This book, ahhh this book. It's the perfect length. Not too short and not too long. The MC can be aggravatingly naive, but it just makes the story that much better. It reminds me of a short story I previously recommended (road trip to love).

The metaphors, similes, and beautiful descriptions the writer provides make us feel like our butts are comfortably seated in the leather seat of a black Impala as a the wind pushes our skin. It's short, sweet, and for the first time in a long time I feel like the MC is real. Like someone I could totally be.  I read it in one night and a half and I hope you guys read this too.


❝The safety of home quickly faded, turning my world achromatic. The implications behind his words drove ice into my veins. Sparks of anxiety jolted through me. 'cause I knew nothing about this guy - and now I was stuck with him.❞ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ Depressive but wild at heart, Willow Faraday's life fell apart when she had to move from the big city to the small, podunk town of Keith Falls. Trapped in a life she doesn't want with people she doesn't want in it, Willow needs an escape - then one summer, denim-clad mystery boy Alex Savaryn rolls into town with nothing but an ambiguous past and an Impala, and makes Willow an offer she can't refuse. But can running away come without a price? What starts out as a road trip with a guy ultimately becomes something more than romance and memories, and before Willow knows it, she's thrust into a world Alex didn't want her to know about. ⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ☆a Wattpad featured story☆ #3 in teen fic also #17 'cause the #3 was a glitch ;) This book is rated 16+ due to adult content and language. This story also uses multimedia for important content such as text messages, so try to read it with wi-fi if you can.

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