Servamp cast meets their Stripper Au

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Original cast will be refered to their normal names. The AU versions will be referred to as:
AU Kuro- B!Kuro
AU Mahiru- S!Mahiru
AU Lawless- B!Hyde
AU Licht- S!Licht
AU Mikuni- S!Mikuni
AU Jeje- B!Jeje
AU Sakuya- asshat/ C!Sakuya

Other Characters:
Dream- Dream_Loves_Comedy
Myo- my OC/me

This AU belongs to Dream_Loves_Comedy

The original cast was poofed into the Stripper AU's club/bar/idkwhatitscalled. After explaining what circumstances they were in, the AU decided to let them stay in their place while waiting to be poofed back to their universe.

They were all talking when asshat "MYO!!!" fine fine. When C!Sakuya entered the building. Mahiru immediately went to greet the ba- i mean, customer.

"Ara~ welcome back, Sakkun~"
s!Mahiru greeted C!Sayuka, swaying his hibs slightly. Mahiru looked in hirror at his counterpart "KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!" W!Myo grabbed a lighter she kept in her pocket (don't ask why) and lit c!Sakuya on fire.

"WHAT THE HE-" Shuuhei came in and hosed c!Sakuya down before Sakuya dies. "Hey!!! No trying to kill the customers!" Dream scolded a pouting w!Myo. "Fiiiiinneeeee..." while all this happened, Sakuya slipped out and ran off. Dream noticed and groaned. "You scared him off!" She complained to an annoyed Myo. "Good. That bastard was in the way of my ship anyway."

"OH MY GOODNESS!!!" They heard Mikuni screech. He was shielding his doll's eyes from s!Mikuni, who was in his work clothes. "HAVE YOU NO DECENCY?! WHAT DOES YOUR ABEL THINK OF THIS?!!!" S!Mikuni looked at his counterpart in confusion. "What's an Abel?" Mikuni gasped in horror. "NOWONDER TOU TURNED OUT TO BE SUCH A... A... A PERVERT!!!!!" Mikuni turned around and walked behind Jeje. "... what is wrong with him?!" Said a mystified s!Mikuni. "Many things." Replied Jeje.

"Well, at least i was able to get in bed with my Jeje, if you know what i mean~" said Mikuni. Jeje went red under his paperbags, wondering why a Mikuni would f*ck a him. Mikuni, however, looked out from behind Jeje. "Touché, Touché" he said, causing Jeje to go even redder.
"Hey! Get back to work!" B! Jeje said to s!Mikuni.

S!Mahiru looked at Kuro. "How about you~? Are you a customer~?" S!Mahiru asked Kuro flirtatiously. Mahiru felt kinda jealous. "NO HE'S NOT!" "Aww~ you need to let your Kuro 'let loose' a little~" s!Mahiru pouted. Mahiru glared at his counterpart. "NO WAY!! KURO, WERE LEAVING." S!Mahiru pulled Kuro towards him "come on~ let's have some fun~" s!Mahiru said seductively.  "NOOOOOOO" Mahiru dragged Kuro away. "Can't deal..." Kuro muttered.

"Why does he even have to listen to you?" Asked s!Mahiru. Before Mahiru could explain, Kuro said "He's my master.". This led into several (perverted) thoughts enter s!Mahiru's mind. "Really? I've always seen Kuro's as the one on top, but i guess it's not that bad if a me was in top~" this lead to b!Kuro dropping the glass he was cleaning behind the bar.

"Wha- IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!!!" Screamed an extremely red Mahiru.s!Mahiru giggled. "You are completely smitten with your Kuro!" Mahiru went even redder, to a shade that rivaled Erza Scarlet's hair.

"I AM NOT!!!! LET'S GO, KURO!!!" Mahiru was able to successfully drag a blushing Kuro away this time.

Meanwhile, Licht and Hyde met their counterparts. "Hm? A customer?" Said s! Licht. "BEGON FOUL DEMON!!!" Licht kicked his counterpart, horrified by what he was wearing

 "BEGON FOUL DEMON!!!" Licht kicked his counterpart, horrified by what he was wearing

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Unfortunately, Hyde decided to enter the room at that moment. "What's going on, Angel~Ba-" Hyde got tackled by a flying s!Licht. S!Licht ended up straddling poor Hyde. Licht, jealous, yelled "GET OFF HIM!!!" S!Licht raised his eyebrow at his counterpart. "You were the one who kicked me."

Before Licht could give him a retort, b!Hyde enetred. "Is my counterpart even alive? Cause i sure wouldn't be if someone wearing that fell on me." B!Hyde said. Licht kicked his counterpart AGAIN in b!Hyde's direction. "LET'S TEST TAHT THEORY!!" B!Hyde nonchalantly caught s!Licht in his arms. "You better clean up your boyfriends mess. He's staing the carpet with his nosebleed." Licht looked down at Hyde, who was indeed having a nosebleed.  "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!!! STOP BLEEDING, SHITRAT!!" Licht screeched, his face red.

"You know~ if you pay the right price, you can have me for a few hours~" S!Licht flirted. "Uh.." "HE SAYS NO!!!" Licht started dragging Hyde away. Hyde was able to stand up properly and folled Licht beside him.

"He is absolutely love struck!" Snickered B!Hyde. "No kidding..." said S!Licht. Suddenly, he got an idea. "How about you flirt with him?" S!Licht said to B!Hyde. B!Hyde smirked. "Sure." After setting s!Licht down, B!Hyde made his way over to Licht and wrapped his arms around him. "How about you play with me instead~" B!Hyde said seductively in Licht ears. Hyde snapped out of his daze. "HEY!! GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY ANGEL!!" Hyde roared, kicking B!Hyde away and pulling Licht to his chest. "Uwaaah! Possesive!" Said B!Hyde, massaging the area of his stomach Hyde kicked. Licht was too stunned to pull away from Hyde's arms.

A white light engulfed the original Servamp cast,  putting them back in their universe. "That was a strange experience" everyone said.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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