Running the Track

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The world is a fucked up place

Full of fucked up people

Who are running a fucked up race.

This race you may ask

Is called life

It consists of endless heartbreak

From people all around

It consists of rapists

Who think it's okay

To take an underage teen

For granted

Who think nothing's wrong

With ruining a person's life

This race is a run

Around the track at your highschool in the home town you grew up in.

It's a neverending cycle

Of wanting to give up

And quit completely

It's an endless cycle

Of feeling your happiest

In ways you thought couldn't happen.

But don't get me wrong

At some point you'll stop

And wonder why you do this

Why you tire yourself with this meaningless banter.

You will give up

But don't feel down

Because you've still got the walk home

And when you feel more hopeful

You will get up

And you will walk again

You will run that track

And feel everything again

You will tire and weep

You will ache and freak

At times it will seem redundant

But you'll move on

To another track at the college

You will soon be attending

You will drive and drive

You will feel new things this time

New and wonderful things

Unimaginable things.

You will realize you've been lied to

And that you don't have to run

You can sit back

And give yourself a break.

Because at some point

All that seemed important at the time

Isn't anymore

You can rest your head

Lay down to sleep

You can cry and weep

It's okay, darling,

You've earned your right.

You don't have to always

Fight and fight and fight.

Rest upon a cloud

Of dreams and euphoria

Fall in love

Settle down

Or don't.

You could own a cute house

With cute cats

Who you make cute sweaters for

On the holidays.

You could go new places

And meet new people

Learn a new language

Find an abandoned steeple.

You could do absolutely nothing

Or absolutely everything

Your options are endless

Do whatever your heart desires

Because this is your life

This is your time

And to anyone who says otherwise

Tell them it's okay

It's okay to hurt

It's okay for tears to fall down

Like waterfalls on your cheeks.

Because sometimes

All we need to do is cry

Until all that's bad is gone.

Poetry from an Everchanging GirlWhere stories live. Discover now