Adopted By Pirates

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A top mount Hokage sat a brushed 6 year old Naruto. It was his birthday and while most would be happy about that, Naruto hated his birthday. Every year on his birthday. Almost every villager would get together and beat him. When they left Naruto was near death. If it wasn't for Kurama, Naruto would have died long ago. If you're wondering Naruto met Kurama on his 4th birthday. After a beating at the hands of the villagers Naruto entered his mindscape and met Kurama. The two quickly became friends.

"Kurama why does my life suck?" Asked Naruto holding back his tears

"Why do my parents neglect me, why does Mito bully me, and why do the villagers treat me like a monster?"

"They're just stupid kit. If you would just let me I would kill ever last one of them for how they've treated you."

"I don't really care what the villagers think of me but I just want to be loved by my family." Said Naruto as tears rolled down his face.

(Flash back. 3 years ago)

"Mom dad you train me now?" Asked Naruto

"Get out of here monster! Mom and dad need to train me so I can keep you in check!" Shouted Mito

"Get out of here monster! Mom and dad need to train me so I can keep you in check!" Shouted Mito

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"Naruto, Mito is right. She needs to learn how to use the tail beast Chakra so she can stop the nine tails if it ever takes control of your body." Said Minato

"But if you train me the nine tails will ne...." Naruto didn't get to finish his sentence because he was slapped across the face.

"Don't talk back to your father! No means no! Now go to your room!" Shouted Kushina

Naruto didn't say anything. He just walked to his room rubbing his cheek. Naruto's room was the attic since the house only had three bedrooms. As Naruto fell onto the mattress that was his bed, tears began to roll from his eyes.

"Why don't they love me?" Naruto asked himself

"Forget them Kit. You have me. I know I'm not your family or the village but you have me and your god parents (Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Tsunade).

"You're right Kurama, I just wish they would visit more often."

"They very busy people kit, but when they do visit it they treat you with nothing but kindness."

"Thanks Kurama, I needed this little talk. Good night." Said Naruto wiping the tears from his eyes

"No problem. Good night kit."

(Back to present day)

Naruto looked over the hidden leaf village. His eyes zoned in on his house. He could see that the lights were on and that there were a tone of people there. Dispute being far away having Kurama sealed in him gave Naruto super human hearing. So he could hear everything that was going on at the party.

A Ninja Raised By Pirates (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now