baberiel mayihaveyourbabies-yes

181 42 37

I'm not obsessed what are you taking about

Anyways, I literally have done no art the past few days cause teachers and life woo

But, I managed to slip in a few doodles during my Spanish class, cause we were watching a documentary about días de los muertos, but I had to watch it at least three times last year, so I was really sick of it.

Anywho, here the first doodle--

This is literal proof that I havent touched my sketchbook in almost a week

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This is literal proof that I havent touched my sketchbook in almost a week

It's so messy jakwbekeheehwo

Also, since I never really draw males often, I decided to draw this one--

Also, since I never really draw males often, I decided to draw this one--

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--which is a total disaster.

So, I decided to finally look up some anatomy references and use that to create this--

So, I decided to finally look up some anatomy references and use that to create this--

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*subtly wipes drool from chin*

Kool kid points if you guess correctly on who this smoking piece of literal sexiness is

Told ya I'm no obsessed.

Anyways, onto life.

So, yesterday, our school held our 4th annual Fall Fest *tosses celebratory confetti*

Drama club always holds a haunted house, and we were put under so much pressure cause last year's haunted house sucked apparently, (I didn't go and I wasn't in the club last year) but I felt like we did better this year.

I was B shift, meaning I went on at a later time, so the sun had finally set and it was pitch black, save for the other lights. So, I felt like our shift did a better job, since we had different actors (including me) and so it wasn't all the same.

My make up (though you can't see it lolololololol), but I had a patch over my eye that made it look all gross and stuff so I wanted to show you guys that hehe

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My make up (though you can't see it lolololololol), but I had a patch over my eye that made it look all gross and stuff so I wanted to show you guys that hehe

Also, my mom had come through the haunted house and took a picture

Also, my mom had come through the haunted house and took a picture

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Lol, nope

Yeah, my makeup artist did a really fantastic job I love her so much (all of us are friends now -^-)

Yeah, my makeup artist did a really fantastic job I love her so much (all of us are friends now -^-)

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When you just came back from a haunted house, but your hair still looks fabulous as fuck

So yeah, it was really fun! Though, my throat is hurting like crazy I was screaming so much. I seriously thought my voice was going to give out a few times.

But, yeah, I have to ask my friend how we did cause he went through the house and he actually looked surprised and wouldn't stop smiling when he saw me lolol

I feel like I did fantastic *flips hair*

Though, I do still have a lot my makeup on my face and legs, even though I showered and scrubbed my skin off with the stupid scrubby-scrub

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