C-c-clown part 2

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Jenna's POV:
Class ended finally as I put away my notes and woke Richie up.He got up immediately and grabbed his bag."The new girl huh.Shes hot you think?" I said to him smirking."Not my type but I think Bill or Mike will." He said smirking back.I laughed.

I ran up to the new girl leaving Richie behind.She was at the end of the hallway looking at the numbers on the doors."Hey" I say she jumped a little."Hey" she said and giggled.She was super pretty."Whatcha looking for?" I say."214 Mrs.Stys." She said."Oh I walk past her room." I say and smile."Oh okay cool." She says and follows me.

"Hey wait for me!" I heard Richie yell.I rolled my eyes."Boyfriend?" She said.I felt happy as a smile plastered on my face."Richie?What no he's my bestfriend." I say smiling."Mm" She said.Richie made it up to us as we begin walking down the hall way."Here you are mrs.stys." I say and smile."Thanks" She says while walking in.The second bell rings.Shit why am I always late.

"Hey-uh mrs.stys." I say looking at her."Yes?" She says in a sweet tone."Can me and Richie get a pass we walked her down here." I say and smile."Sure" she says as she reaches for a pen and a yellow pass on her desk."Thanks" I say."Your welcome where are you going?" She says.

"art" Richie says."And here you go" she said and sent us on our way.I read it and it says Tozier and Wood.I started laughing."What?" He said."Look she put our last names" I say laughing still."You laugh at the stupidest things." He says and rolls his eyes."You love it." I say.

"true" I blush but then cover it by laughing.
*school day ends because I'm lazy*
I walk out side of school with bill,Richie,Ben,Beverly and mike.We go on our way down to where we hid our bikes as I hear a scream as so does the others."W-What w-was That" bill says and looks around.

"It sounded like the new girl". Ben says While frantically riding faster."You must be right" I say pulling over."What the fuck are you doing?" Richie says."I'm going to go help." I say smiling."Me to" Beverly says and pulls over."Are you fucking crazy?" Richie says sit of yelling.

"I guess so." I say and laugh.I look over to the left."See bowers is already terrorizing her." I say loudly.Everyone gets off there bikes and leaves them on side walk while running into the woods.I see Skye on the ground putting up a fight my heart sunk."take this you asshole!" I say screaming while picking up a rock and chucking it at one of his minions.

"Take this you mullet wearing asshole!" Richie said screaming while throwing many rocks at Henry.Everyone else joins in as Skai crawls across to us."Thank you so much" She says while having a bloody nose and chucked a rock at Henry as they ran further into the woods."I'll get you back Losers" he says.

Richie flips him off as we run back to our bikes."Are you okay?" I say to Skai"Yea I'm fine I guess" she said while starting to cry and is holding her stomach."What happened here"Eddie says while lifting her shirt up a bit."Omg guys come look." Henry carved a H in her stomach.

"T-that's s-s-sickening" bill says while looking away."Glad I got to meet you before you died" Richie said while gripping her shoulder."Shut up Richie just shut up." Eddie said."We need supplies pronto." Eddie said."Richie and Eddie come with me" I say while pulling them with me." Only bringing Eddie since I have no idea what they need.

We walk in while Eddie jogs into the bandaid and stuff like that isle."We'll need this oh and this omg we definitely need this" He was saying as I roll my eyes."Who's gonna pay for all this?" Richie said."I will" I say giving them a cheeky smile.There eyes widened but agreed to it.We payed and got out."Hurry fix her god damn it!" I say screaming."Sh Jenna" Eddie says."I'm gonna stitch her" Eddie says.I grab skai's hand.

"OUCH" she screams in pain while squeezing my hand harder."Sh shh your okay now" I say soothing her.She gets up while saying thank you and left."What the hell just happened?" Richie says."No idea" I said.
*everyone splits up*

I get a phone call from Beverly as she's crying and screaming."Ok I'll be there soon." I look at the clock.6:30.I grab my coat and slip on my shoes."Bye dad be back at 8:30" I say grabbing a apple hopping on my bike and I go to Beverly's.I guess Everyone was already there."C-come with me" she said to everyone."Wait someone stay out here Incase my dad comes home he'd kill me if he knew boys were in the house" she said.

I nodded."I'll stay out here with Richie." I say and smile."Okay" She says and starts walking up the stairs."What the fuck are we suppose to do if he comes?" Richie says annoyed."Richie talk and be annoying like you always do and Jenna be gorgeous your good at that." Stan said and smirked.I blushed and looked at Richie he rolled his eyes.They all went up to Beverly's apartment.

They were up there for a good hour or so.They can back down stairs."I-it w-was b-blood" bill said as he came down the stairs."My father couldn't see it." Beverly said."It was nasty" Eddie said while fake gagging.As he finished his sentence I seen Skai the new girl rides by and waved at Richie.

Richie waved back and smiled."Mike You should smash." Richie said and smirked.I rolled my eyes as so did Eddie."Maybe" mike said and winked.Richie pushed up his glasses and got on his bike and rode home.

A/N:Quick chapter :(

Mr and Mrs.Trashmouth//Richie tozier Where stories live. Discover now