‹Twenty Three› Baby Blue

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The crying of a baby was the reason why Niall and Liam had become sobbing messes. They finally had their baby right in front of them and now they were finally complete as a family.

It had turned out to be a baby boy, but they still loved him no matter what, because this was their child and their future.

They had agreed on the name Skyler, Sky for short, because of how his eyes looked like the beautiful blue sky.

It was a little yes, but the gorgeous couple didn't care if they were cheesy or not, because they were happy and content with their lives.

Nothing had filled them with worry nor fear, the feeling of regret or anger not bubbling in their stomachs, but the feeling of joy. This joy was the reason why it had them cry like babies while holding their own baby boy together. It would forever be one of their favorite moments to remember and never forget.

The married pair had went home though, taking Sky to his room, which had seem even more perfect with their boy in Niall's arms. Tears came back fast while the younger brunette had placed Sky into his crib, eyes closed shut as he was in a deep slumber. Liam stood by his lover's side, kissing his head while smiling big.

"He's such a beautiful baby boy," he murmured into Niall's ear softly, wrapping his arms around the smaller one's waist. The younger brunette hummed just as softly, looking down at his sleeping boy who looked so similar to himself and Liam.

Under his eyelids, he had Niall's piercing blue eyes, above them he had Liam's eyebrows, though they weren't defined yet, and he had Liam's cute button nose. He was the perfect baby in their eyes.

"No one could compare to his beauty, Li, well, except you of course." The older brunette couldn't help but grin, looking right into Niall's eyes as the room was close to silent, the collective breathing and the subtle jingle from Sky's toy being heard.

They knew now of their future being perfect. With their baby boy here, nothing would tear them apart or ruin their love. Sky only made their affection for each other stronger and their bond tighter.

"We should get to bed, love. Have a good breakfast tomorrow and invite over the Styles' and Malik's," Liam questioned, raising his brow as he looked down at Niall, who then nodded in response.

The two then left the nursery room after giving their baby boy each a soft kiss to his forehead. Following that, the pair went into their room, slipping under the sheets after stripping their clothes, leaving on their boxers.

Niall cuddled into Liam's side while letting his eyes flutter closed, sighing in content as the pain was gone. He had suffered through many episodes of pain and breakdowns, because of Sky, but now that he was actually out of him, he felt much better. Of course he would, it was obvious, but it made him feel so much better.

Neither of the two spoke another word that night, falling asleep while holding each other close. This was going to be night their life from then on: putting Sky to bed then falling right to sleep after a long, hard day.

It was not what they intended, that's for sure, but they were happy enough to want the life that they would have for many years to come. The smiles, the laughs and especially the memories would really be their benefits in living how they were.

Everything, and more, would be a new experience for them both from then on.


The next morning came fast for the new parents, Niall waking up first to handle Sky and his own business while Liam was getting ready for work. They had decided that Niall would stay at home and take care of Skyler, because Liam's job paid more than well and Niall wanted to anyway.

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