The Thing That Always Finds Me

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People think I'm insane. I'm not though. I've seen it. It's toying with me. That's what it does. It's like every horror movie and horror story. They'll learn. They'll see it eventually.

December 12, 1988

It was at my window last night. Far away. Across the street. It's dark red glowing eyes pierce through my soul. Just as a precaution I'm going to church now. Can't be too careful around demons. Heh. Yeah, that's right. I just wrote down the sound of my quiet chuckle. Maybe I am going insane. 

December 18, 1988

Last night I saw it again. It was a little bit closer. It's red beady glowing eyes are still piercing my soul. Damn it. It's staring at me as I write this. A little closer. Still across the street. Jeez. Maybe I really am going insane. I'm gonna move.

January 4, 1989

I can't believe it! I saw the thing in my new town. I guess it finds me everywhere. It's on my property now. I'm gonna get some sage and bless my house.

August 4, 1989

Well. The blessing went terrible. Right now I'm getting my eyes eaten by that thing. How am I so chill? I don't know! Well. Catch you people in the Afterlife.

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