Mystery Feelings

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"W-what! Katelyn-Sama said she would room with Kawaii Chan!" I exclaimed really just worried as I did not want Zane-Kun to know I liked him, well i had liked him since highschool even though he was sort of a jerk but he's not like that anymore. Anyway I'm getting off track, I still did not want Zane-Kun to know as he might reject me.

"I know I said that Kawaii Chan but, SLEEPOVERS WITH CADENZA!" Screamed Katelyn-Sama as she ran off to Garroth-Kun's tent to kick him and Zane-kun out.

'What do I do' I repeated over an over in my head 'what if he finds out I like him and he ends up hating me,  oh no'

"Hey,  guess we're rooming," Said a voice so cute I blushed just hearing it.

"Eeeeek,  Zane-Kun you startled Kawaii Chan!" I said through trying to hide my blush as I noticed it was Zane-Kun.

"Kawaii Chan is going to bed, okay Zane-Senpai," I said not noticing I said Senpai.

"Wait, Kawaii Chan did you call me...  Senpai?" Zane-Kun asked I then realised I said senpai and we both turned as red as tomatos.

"U-uh no, Kawaii Chan did not say that Zane-Senpai,  I mean Kun," I stumbled over my words again "got to go" I yelled as I dove into the tent.

I noticed that Zane-Kun takes his mask off before he goes to bed and he has adorable freckles.

Garroth's POV

I heard that Zane had to room with Kawaii Chan but I didn't expect them to be as akward as they were just talking.


-time skip to morning-

3rd person POV

Kawaii Chan and Zane were asleep in their tent facing directly toward each other face to face, close enough that if they made any sudden movement their lips would touch.


Zane's POV

Garroth started to bang pans together to wake us all up but his plan worked too well.

Me and Kawaii Chan both got startled and moved forward accidentally kissing each other on the lips. at first we went with it kissing until I pulled back for air. Then realising what just happened me and Kawaii Chan started screaming and I think that woke up the rest of the people who were still asleep.

"I'm coming baby brother!" I heard Garroth yell probably thinking we were in trouble. Just at that Garroth burst in the tent.

"Eeeeeee, did you two kiss?" He yelled like a fangirl at the top off his lungs.

"N-no, what made you think that?" I tried to play it off but I didn't realise one thing...

"You clearly don't have Kawaii Chan's pink lipstick on your lips Zane," He said in a sarcastic tone. 'Oh Irene what do I do now?' I said in my head over and over again. I noticed Kawaii Chan wasn't moving and I thought that was weird until...


Kawaii Chan's POV

'I-i just kissed Zane-Kun and he didn't pull back until we needed air, what's going on OMI!' Was all I could hear until...

"You clearly don't have Kawaii Chan's pink lipstick on your lips Zane," Said Garroth Sarcastically.

"Uh,  yeah Kawaii Chan kissed Zane-Kun..." I explained "why did I just say that?" I said to my self so they couldn't hear me.

"Okay," Garroth-Kun said as he left the tent probably freaked out at what I said. 

"Thanks Kawaii Chan, for taking that bullet for me," Zane-Kun said scratching his neck.

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