Part 1

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So I have to catch transport into work every day. Whenever I do my imagination gets the better of me! This first part is basically the generals going on in a day and give a hint at what may happen! This is only a short story so it's fairly fast paced. Have a read!


Another long and stressful day at work ended. I am so exhausted the one thing that is forefront on my mind is getting home, putting my feet up and relaxing for the rest of the evening. It is 5:35pm when I arrive at the tram stop and there are people cramming every possible space as they all wait for it to arrive. I wait impatiently for it to arrive but as I look down the long stretch of road only to see nothing in the distance that is even slightly tram related, I realise it’s in no hurry. I sigh impatiently and begin tapping my foot.

Finally a tram arrives 15 minutes later but it is full to the brim with passengers and I can’t even get on. That is just so typical! The tram is free within the CBD so people use it just to get from one stop to another because they’re too bloody lazy to walk. And that means that people, like me, miss out on getting home at a decent hour. Bloody idiots! I can feel myself getting angry so I take a deep breath, the cold air a welcome relief.

Another tram arrives half an hour later, yes it is 15 minute late and once again it is full to the brim. Desperation kicks in, I just want to go home so this time I am not taking no for an answer. I elbow my way through masses of people and look around expectantly for an empty seat. There is none. I take hold of the closest pole and jerk forward as the tram starts to move again. There is an armpit right next to my face and I don’t dare move my head. The smell emanating from it makes me want to dry reach. At each stop more people squeeze on but very few are getting off. It is starting to feel like a sardine can. The BO, hair and perfumes is making me feel queasy. And yet I do this every day. Go figure.

As the next stop approaches I see someone start to move. They’re only a metre away and suddenly I notice they’re standing up from a seat. My feet are sore and I am desperate to sit down. My heart starts pounding with anticipation as the person slowly moves away from the seat. A lady half a metre away spots the same seat and suddenly our eyes lock.

Oh no you don’t!

Like a bull being taunted with a red flag, my eyes focus on the seat and I dart toward it as fast as possible. I use my assets wisely. My elbows push people out of the way; my legs jump over legs and bags, my skinny waist allows me access to narrow spaces. The woman and I arrive at the seat at exactly the same time. She is a much larger woman and it has taken her a lot more time to get through the masses of people. Her face is red from exertion, sweat is forming on her forehead and she is breathing heavily. I can’t help but giggle; she had less distance to go than me!

The woman and I lock eyes again but before she can do anything I dive into the seat and sit down. The relief on my feet is orgasmic! The woman mutters expletives under her breath and people around me shake their heads disapprovingly and mutter to their neighbours. I ignore them, take out my book and start reading. Perhaps the journey won’t be so bad after all.

It is only 20 minutes later when I arrive at my destination. It just so happens that the woman is getting off at the same place. I stand up as the tram comes to a halt and walk past the woman toward the door. She glares at me and opens her mouth to say something but I just smile sweetly at her.

“Have a lovely evening!” I enthuse happily then walk off the tram.

She curses loudly behind me but suddenly filled with energy I wave back at her happily and skip toward my apartment.

The moment I walk indoors I slip my shoes off, kicking them into their usual corner then take a beer out of the fridge and flop out on the couch. At last!


So there ya go! C'mon, those who catch public transport should be able to relate to this!! Anyway please comment, I want to know what you all think. And please vote if you really feel the urge to do so. And finally... fans would be LOVELY! :-) See you in the next chapter.....

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