Part 2

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I warned you this is a short story - this is the last part! But I hope you enjoy. You can see how far my imagination goes! Bwahahahaha!


The next morning is like any other. My alarm sounds at 6:45am, I crawl out of bed and into the scorching hot shower. An hour later I am on my way out to catch the tram yet again. If only I knew that this day would be far from an average day.

My day at work is worse than normal. Meetings take up the majority of the day then I am inundated with irritating questions from staff who should know better. By the time I leave work at 5:30pm I am further behind than normal and I am so angry I am actually shaking.

I storm to the tram stop, muttering under my breath and ignoring everyone and everything around me. When I arrive I am so impatient I push past everyone and stand at the front of the queue. When the tram stops, once again full to the brim of people, I don’t even bother waiting. I push my way through the masses of people yet again and like a vacuum am sucked into the depths of the tram.

This time there is no seat and no sign of one but I am still so angry I just don’t care. I wrap my arm around a pole, take out my book and start reading as I rock back and forth with the motion of the tram. As we get further away from the city I notice man get on dressed in black. Usually this would never faze me but something about this one doesn’t fit right. I instantly wish I had waited for the next tram.

I keep reading in an attempt to keep my mind off of the strange man. I finish a chapter and begin to turn a page when a loud bang erupts from inside the tram. I get such a fright my head jerks up and my hand rips the page right down the middle. Cursing under my breath I hold it in place and look down the tram to where the sound came from.

My heart stopped.

Lying on the floor was a passenger, blood oozing out from underneath him. He’s quite obviously dead. The strange man has taken another passenger hostage and is holding a gun against his head.

I can feel my heart palpitating in my chest. My breathing has become irregular and I feel faint from fear. The man lifts a finger to his lips as if telling everyone to be quiet. The tram instantly fills with silence, everyone too scared to say or do anything. I pretend I don’t see him. Turning another page of my book I try to read but I can’t take anything in. The pages look blank. If I stare long enough and turn the occasional page, perhaps he will ignore me.

A piece of cold metal is pressed against my temple and I freeze. Then again it is very likely I will just draw attention to myself.

“Close the book.” A cold, hard voice demand.

Not able to look up, I do as instructed and hold it tightly against me.

“Now do as you are told and I will not hurt you.”

I feel a warm trickle down my legs and I squeeze my eyes shut in embarrassment.

The strange man notices. “Bit scared are we?”

Looking at him for the first time my heart stops again. His eyes are dark and full of evil. His smile is forced and cold, showing very few teeth.

The gun is pressed harder against my temple, reminding me to answer him. I quickly shake my head no but it wasn’t the answer he was looking for. I felt a thump against my head and I fall to the floor, everything going momentarily black.

“No on lies to me!” The man yells.

Another bang echoes through the tram and instinct makes me cover my head with my hands. I look up and notice another passenger laying on the ground only a metre away from me. Blood is oozing out of her mouth and we make eye contact, just for a moment. Her eyes are full of sadness, full of fear. Her lips move as she mouths ‘help me’ but there is nothing I can do. Suddenly the life in them disappears as she dies in front of me.

I can feel tears streaming down my cheeks yet I am making no noise. The man grabs me and pulls me up so that we are nose to nose. He is staring straight into my eyes, the gun pointed at my head.

“What do you want?” I strangle the words out.

“Blood.” Is his reply.

Suddenly he lets out a strangled scream. He lets go of me and I fall to the floor with a thump. Looking around in shock I notice his eyes are filled with anger and he is pointing the gun at any random passenger. I suddenly feel the tram coming to a stop and relief floods through me.

Realising the man is not about to give up, the relief subsides instantly. I watch as he storms through the carriage toward the cab. He pulls open the door and once the tram has stopped he shoots the driver dead. This does not sooth his anger, however. Rather he is filled with so much rage he begins to shout obscenities. As he walks back toward me at the end of the carriage, he shoots every single person. By the time he reaches me I am the only person alive.

I am about to give up and submit myself to him when I notice a knife on the floor next to me. Where it came from I have no idea but I am suddenly filled with determination. A determination to save my life.

The silence in the tram is deafening. For a split second the man looks away and I take that moment to reach for the knife and hide it under my leg. I can feel adrenaline running through me.

He smiles his toothless smile at me. “Look at this, you are the lucky last. Now I have unfinished business to attend to.” He points the gun at my head and cocks it. “Nice knowing you.”

In one swift movement I jump up and stab him in the side of the neck. My sudden movement shocks him, his face sets in horror. I move my hand away; the knife is still in his neck. Realisation suddenly dawns on me.

I just killed a man.

As shock sets in I notice my hands covered in blood. They start to shake and my whole body turns cold. As I look around me all I can see are massacred bodies. As hysteria begins to set in I am reminded of one important thing.

I am still alive. Out of all these people, I am the only survivor.

Suddenly overcome with a feeling of euphoria I step over his body and head toward the door. “Nice knowing you too.”

Walking to the nearest door, I reach out to press the button when a loud bang fills the air. I turn around and it’s as though everything is in slow motion. The man is holding the gun at me in a shaky hand, he is smiling evilly and I can see the bullet coming straight for me. He falls to the floor, dead.

Suddenly time speeds up.

I cannot react. I cannot do anything. The bullet pierces my chest and strikes my heart. A second of pain shoots through me but then I collapse to the floor and I have no feeling at all. I once heard that when someone dies they have visions of their happy times, family or friends or a special moment. I did not have that luxury. All I could see was the man’s evil grin.

The final thought I have is wishing I had not been so impatient and I had waited another 15 minutes for the next tram.


Tell me honestly.... was the ending expected or unexpected?? What do you think?? Pllleeeaassseeee comment! How can I improve if no one tells me? :) and the usual vote and fan if you wish.... *hint hint wink wink*

If you want something COMPLETELY different... read The Matchmaker by moi! It's completed and is a nice feel good love story. Sorry it's not student teacher (as is the craze I've noticed) but I love it, it's a part of me. :) enjoy!!

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