How Would You Feel?

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*pic from Redbubble

How would you feel if you were the reason 

someone was no longer here?

How would you feel if you were the one who broke someone 

down to the point that they lost the will to live?

How would you feel if it was your words that hurt someone so badly

they'd rather die than face another day?

How would you feel if it was your "go kill yourself" message that 

finally pushed them to the end?

How would you feel being that person? 

The Bully. 




Now, think about it from the other side. 

How would you feel if you were the one being 

pushed to the ground and kicked around?

How would you feel if you were the one being told you're 

worthless and nobody likes you?

How would you feel if every day you were the one sent messages 

saying you should kill yourself just 

because you want to be the person who makes you happy?

How would you feel if you were the one being 

laughed at over things you couldn't control?

How would you feel you were this person?

The Bullied.




But let's say you're not The Bully or The Bullied, but you see it happening right in front of your eyes.

Would you stop it? 


Would you let it happen?

Now, think about it from a different point of view. 

How would you feel if you were the one 

who helped pick them back up?

How would you feel if you were the one who told them that

their life mattered and how you

 and others cared about them?

How would you feel if you were the one who sent messages 

that were positive and kind? 

Messages of acceptance and love.  

How would you feel if you stood up for them and 

called the bullies out for 

how they were treating others?

How would you feel if you were the one who gave 

them hope and a will to live?

How would you feel being that person?

The Helper.




When it comes down to it, we all have choices to

 make in life because they're inevitable. 

No matter how big or small they may be, 

it's up to us to always 

make the right decision 

for ourselves and others.

Who will you choose to be? 

The person filled with hate who

 only wants to bring people down. 


The person filled with love, who wants

to lift people up and make 

this world a better place. 

If you still can't decide who you want to be

remember this...

Hate will eventually destroy us inside

But love?

Love will make us stronger

 because love always wins,

 no matter what.

Who Will You Be? - #LaterHatersWhere stories live. Discover now