Chapter 5: Slipping farther into the abyss

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I rolled over in bed and groaned. My stomach was killing me. I felt a large and warm hand in my hair. Then on my cheek. It was slightly calloused. Rough around the edges, but there was love in them. I heard James's voice before I opened my eyes. "Blondie? What's wrong?"

The pain in my right side was increasing and I felt like my entire body was on fire. It was ripping through me like a knife. "My side. It's burning! Please, make it stop!"

I felt James' eyes searching my own. Worry was etched across his face. I let out a cry and stayed on my side. James ran his hand through my hair again. "Blondie, please, tell me what's wrong?"

The pain was so bad now that I couldn't speak. All I could do was cry. I didn't know what to do. I still couldn't speak as David, Jack and Doctor Andersen all entered the room. I felt Jack's hand on my shoulder. "Juliet? Can you tell me where the pain is?"

Shaking my head; I stayed on my side and groaned more. My head felt heavy now. I was floating in something akin to water. But the texture was quite a bit different. Almost like jelly. David, Jack and Doctor Andersen all converged towards my bed. Doctor Andersen was shining a pen light in my eyes, while Jack and David carefully turned me onto my back.
David repeated the question instead of Jack. "Where is the pain Juliet?"

The pain was so searing I still couldn't answer David. I managed to gesture with my left hand. Jack interrupted David. "Pain in your right side?"

I could hardly catch my breath. David ran a hand over my hair and adjusted the oxygen mask over my face. "I know it hurts Jules. Just hang on a little longer. Jack's going to find out what's going on ok? Take slow, deep breaths."

Everything was moving so fast, I didn't have time to react. Inwardly, I winced. The conducting gel was cold on my stomach. The 3d image in front of me gave no clues as to what was going on inside. Jack furrowed his eyebrows and moved the wand around. "Hmm. I'm not finding a cause for her pain. Everything is pointing to an inflamed liver. But I'm not getting anything on the ultrasound."

David motioned for Jack to give him the wand. "Here Doctor Shephard. Let me try." Removing the wand from Jack's hands, David looked around. He must've looked for five minutes before shutting off the machine.

I suddenly had a wave of panic surge over me, and it was threatening to drown me outright. I felt confused and I picked at the blanket over me. Who were all these people?
"Who are you?"

I directed my question at the man with the glasses and dark brown hair. His green eyes reflected concern. "Do you know your name?" I nodded my head. Of course I knew my name! What a silly question! "Yes. My name is Jane."

Now I was more confused. Jane? Who was this Jane? That wasn't my name. I'm someone else. All three doctors in the room looked very worried. There was a man with shaggy blonde hair sitting next to the bed with his hand in my own. I took my left hand away and gave him a wide eyed stare. "I'm sorry? Do we know each other?"

The man with the shaggy blonde hair looked frightened by my statement and then his face seemed to sadden slightly. "Blondie, dontcha know who I am?" Huh? Who was this, Blondie? I felt scared. I didn't know who I was other than I was lying in a hospital bed. It was 2007 and I was nearly seven months pregnant. Wait, that wasn't right either was it? I sighed and stared at three men who continued examining me. The doctor who'd shown the penlight in my eyes was the next to speak. "Juliet? Can you tell me what the last thing it was you remember?"

I stared at the doctor in front of me. "Is that my name? Juliet?"

Something told me I was on the right track. But I still felt like I was floating in the jelly-like water. What was going on?

To Be Continued...

Echoes of the island  *A Sawyer/Juliet AU LOST fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now