2.||finn wolfhard made me question my sexuality

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  hey yes hello.
it's me
i thought i was completely gay
i've been attracted to guys before,romantically only,not sexually (ew)
but i think i actually would date a guy
obviously,i'm a lot more into girls than guys but i'm not gay.
i'm either bi or omni/pan
i saw It tonight it was so good Richie Topiaz is my favorite character
Also I'm attracted to him and he's a really good person in general (regarding the whole Harvey Weinstein allegations)
Stop shipping Fack (Finn and Jack),ya nasties
They're f o u r t e e n
Stop assuming their sexualities
Stop making smut about them and suggestive fanart/fanfics
If you're an adult you shouldn't be thirsting over some 13,14 and 15 year old CHILDREN
this has been a psa

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