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"Now! To the story.........................................
There was a girl named Katy Hart who is me, who met a boy named Kermit Carpenter. They both at first always fought because they had nothing in common. But then one day they had one thing in common and fell in love because that one thing in common was loving each other. So they were a happy couple and loved every moment they shared. Katy got pregnant and they found out it was twins! But then they went to a place unimaginable! They went to a witch and she granted them the power to have their babies have magical powers. But they have to forget about each other until they are both 25 years old which they both are now. But they will switch bodies first and if you let them see each other before then they will not have powers. And young and dumb as Me and Kermit were, we took a child after the delivery said bye to the other and to each other and left.
We texted to tell them the same story that their mom or dad left them. Then we blocked and deleted each other's phone number and got new ones! Then we haven't seen each other or are other kid since!"
"You're telling me my best friend has a twin that I never knew about?!?" Riley said
"Yes!" Katy says
///////////////////////////////////////////my bold didn't work so this down here is me talking not the story
So the part above is still Maya's dream but she is dreaming all of this

Snapchat Upgraded//Book 2 of the Snapchat series//(Comepleted)Where stories live. Discover now