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"What's your plan now?" Suhyun asked Hayi.

Hayi drank a shot of tequila before answering.

"I don't know."  Hayi answered.

"Will you break up with him? You know you should." Suhyun asked.

"I know. I will, at the right time. Probably when Hanbin asks for it, or when the both of them are hurting too much. I'm gonna fight for our relationship a little more. What if he realizes that he loves me?" Hayi said to Suhyun.

"They're already both hurting though. But okay. You know I'll support you in everything you do." Suhyun said and smiled worriedly at Hayi.

"Thanks, Suhyun, you're the best." Hayi said and drank again.

"Can you call Hanbin? Tell him I'm drunk already." Hayi said.

"Okay." Suhyun  followed her. Hayi's not yet drunk but she needs to stop now.

She dialed Hanbin's number.

"Oppa! Please pick up Hayi here. She's drunk." Suhyun said immediately without even letting Hanbin speak. But it wasn't Hanbin who picked it up though.

"Hello? I'm sorry, this isn't Hanbin. He left his phone here. Wait? Hayi is drunk? Hanbin said that Hayi couldn't come because she's filming a CF? Why is she drunk?" Jisoo asked, confused.

"What? I didn't know anything." Hayi said, obviously pained. Suhyun looked at her with worried eyes.

"Uhm, where are you? And where is Hanbin?" Suhyun asked.

"Oh, Bobby and Mino oppa weren't present on yesterday's celebration so they treated us for round 2. Hanbin oppa took Jennie home already. She's madly drunk. And please don't tell this to Hayi. Let Hanbin explain everything. I think he's breaking up with her. Omo, I'm too talkative now." Jisoo said.

"Oh. Okay. I see." Suhyun just answered, looking at her friend who's tearing up.

"Do you need someone to pick her up?" Jisoo asked.

"No, I'll just call her manager. Thanks." Suhyun said and they bid goodbyes before ending the call.

"The game ended when it hasn't even started yet." Hayi said. Suhyun just comforted her and let her cry in her arms.


"Yah! Kim Hanbin! Put me down! I'm your noona! Show some respect!" Jennie said drunkly while struggling.

"Yah, don't move too much, you might fall! You're so heavy. I shouldn't have let you drink too much." Hanbin complained. He's carrying Jennie on his back on the way to their car.

"I already fell for you, since 6 years ago. Sadly we just got together a year ago and we didn't even last a year." Jennie said and started tearing up.

"I'm sorry." Hanbin said.

"What can your sorry do? What's been done has been done. It's all in the past now." Jennie said.

"Then let's make a new present and future."

"But we can't! I can't! And it's all your fault!" Jennie just said and started crying.

"I'm sorry." Hanbin said again.

"Stop saying sorry! Why are you saying it now when it's all too late!" Jennie said.

"Nothing's too late." Hanbin said.

"I don't wanna argue anymore." Jennie leaned on Hanbin's shoulder.

"Jennie. Why did we break up, five months ago?" Hanbin asked a few seconds later.

Why We Broke Up | jenbinWhere stories live. Discover now