1st Part

12 0 1

^^^^ couldn't come up with a good title :p

Extra info:
*Both main characters are sophomores in high school (15 years old)

*the main characters are our two bois Josh Vibrotor; pronounced vee-bro-tour; and Sean Freeze; Sean is pronounced Shawn not seen (for that one person I know that's reading this)

Word count: 734
Josh's POV-

Even though it is Friday, Josh Vibrotor is far from happy.

Josh stands by his locker, taking his
books out of his back pack and gathering his stuff for homeroom, hoping he still has just enough luck to not drop everything he holds.

He's been having a pretty bad day already; he woke up late, had no clean clothes, spilt his breakfast on his shirt, missed the bus, and forgot his homework for social studies, his worst class. He wasn't ready for another hit.

Just as he's about to give up, his day suddenly becomes better (and worse) when his best friend/secret crush starts walking towards him.

Josh has been best friends with Sean for years, and they're basically inseparable. They are like two peas in a pod, and neither of them knows that the other has a certain set of... feelings.

As soon as Josh sees Sean, he's happy, yet also disappointed. Happy, because it's his best friend, and sad because he has to deal with having a crush on him, on top of everything else. On normal days, dealing with it isn't much, but on days like these, it can be really hard.

Josh loves a lot of things about him. He loves how Sean's eyes sparkle when ever he scores a goal in whatever sport he happens to be playing. He loves how his hair falls just right, even when he tries to mess it up. He loves how his soft lips always form into a small smile, no matter how bad of a day he's having. Josh loves his sense of humor, and how Sean seems to be so caring and kind. Not to mention, he's pretty smart, too.

Josh wants so badly to just hold and protect Sean from anything and everything that might hurt him in the slightest. He wants Sean to be his, and his only. Of course, these desires will never be fulfilled, Josh thinks to himself. Still, a man can dream...

Josh is quickly knocked out of his love-struck thoughts when Sean walks up to his locker, all of his items already in his hands, and a purposeful expression on his face that would've made Josh swoon if he were alone. For now, he would stick with a light pink tinge on his cheeks.

Sean's POV-

Sean had woken up this morning in a good mood. He'd fed his dog, gotten ready, had a chocolate chip waffle, and even got a ride to school from his sibling so he didn't have to ride the school bus (let's be honest, no one likes the school bus).

When he got to school, though, his spirits were lowered a bit.

As he's walking in the hallway, he sees his best friend, Josh Vibrotor, looking quite glum. Josh has an exasperated expression on his face that tells Sean that he's close to giving up for the day. And at this moment, Sean is determined to cheer him up. The fact that he is having a bad day makes Sean sad as a friend, and also, maybe more.

He's liked Josh for a while, but he has always kept it a secret. Sean loves his chocolate eyes, and how he scrunches up his nose when he laughs really hard. He loves how caring and understanding he is, and how he's good at basically everything, including school and sports. He loves how his hair falls in his eyes when he writes a paper or is looking at something on his pre-historic phone.

Indeed, he loves all of these things, but sometimes (and by sometimes I mean all the time) Sean finds it hard to control himself around him.

Sean thinks Josh is incredibly adorable, as well as smoking hot. He especially finds it sexy when Josh bites his lip when he focuses. Or when he runs his smooth hands through his hair, and then down the back of his neck. Oh, and that sly grin he shoots at someone when he's done something mischievous? In fact, just thinking  about it right now is starting to cause a little problem for Sean...

Stop, brain! Sean thinks to himself. He wants, no, he needs to focus on one thing only; and that's Josh. He also needs to think of how to cheer up his secret love interest.

Woopty doo, would you have a looky here! A cliffhanger!

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