Part 1

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On Fridays, I go to Friday School because there is no school on Fridays. Everyone that needs additional help goes there and I always need help with math. But this one day was different. All the teachers were there which was odd because normally there was only the math teacher and the art teacher. Anyways, I walked down to my class and did work.

When I was done, I was walking back down to the cafeteria doors were I came in, because my dad was waiting for me outside. I walked into the cafeteria and was halfway through when I looked over and saw all of my teachers on their computers at the lunch tables, in complete darkness, and not saying a word. There was something on the projector screen that I couldn't see however, but I sped walked as fast as I could to get out of there.

I turned my head and didn't look again. I'm not even sure they noticed me or not. I was freaking out. Why were they in the dark and why weren't they saying anything? I got to my dad's car and got in. He took me home and I didn't say anything. In fact, I didn't say much all weekend. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened. This was very unsettling. It was even worse than seeing your teachers outside of school at a store with your family.

It was Monday morning now and I was nervous to get out of the car. My mom said something but I didn't pay attention. I got out and fixed my coat, then walked across the street and went inside. I went to my first class- Mrs. Garner. I help her out during first hour because she's the 1st grade teacher. But today she was giving me strange looks. Was this because of Friday? Second hour is Band but she was giving me the same looks and not talking very much. Third hour is Spanish I and that's when things went downhill.

"Aubrey Nay to the front office, Aubrey to the front office."

I looked at my teacher and he gave me a slight smirk and then I left. What the hell is going on?

Walking down the hallway, a lot of people were looking out from their classrooms watching me go to the office. This was strange and I was getting panicky.

I reached the office and cautiously opened it. The receptionist pointed to the principal's office and I knocked. The door opened and the principal- Mr. schott gestured me inside. I sat down and he did the same.

"So, I know you saw us on Friday in the cafeteria." I nodded,"And I know that you saw something."

"No, I didn't see anything. I just left as soon as I could." I said.

"Now, here's the thing. I don't believe you and we, as the teachers of this school, can't have anyone with the information we've been keeping for so long, just walking around, about to release information. So, I have a proposal for you, miss Nay."

Oh god, where is this going?

"Either you come with us, or your family will be- taken care of. Simple choice if you ask me." he folded his arms and leaned back.

"What the hell? Are you threatening my family?" I yelled.

"Well, yeah. But I'm also threatening you too. And don't worry, you can still come to school. We'll come up with something to tell your parents. So, do we have a deal?" he held out his hand to shake.

Either way I'll have to go with them. If they kill my family, I won't have anywhere to go and they'll just take me anyways. So I guess I have no choice.

I shook his hand.

"I'll call your parents now, and by lunch, I'll have all the details figured out. No matter what, you must never tell any other person who is not a teacher here about this. Do you understand?"

"What happens if I do?" I questioned.

"Then you, the person you told, their family, and your family are all in danger. Understand?"

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