Thirty One

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*Siva P.O.V*

It’d been a while since we started calling around. We were down to the last couple of labels. Some of the labels said a straight up no, others said they’d consider it, others said they couldn’t give us an answer until they knew we were sure about returning.

“Hey lads… What should I do about Gemma?” Nathan suddenly asked, “We had this huge fight and I found out that she was using me all this time. But I still like her and I guess I’m just confused about what to do.”

“Nath, she doesn’t have any feelings towards you,” Jay started, “I know it kills to hear that, but it’s the truth. There was always something wrong about her… the way she acted towards you when you were giving that speech for your new album and she gave you a hard glare to mention her. What kind of girlfriend does that?” Jay said and we all agreed.

“How do you guys know so much…?” Nathan asked quietly.

“Carla… she told Carla everything,” Max replied.

“We aren’t telling you to break up with her. That’s your choice to make, but all we’re saying is that you don’t deserve to be treated like that and she doesn’t deserve you. There are millions of girls out there that you can date. You’re the best boyfriend a girl can ask for, heck if I was a girl I’d freaking date you,” Jay said, making all of us laugh.

“JAYTHAN IS REAL!” Tom, Max and I yelled at the same time, chuckling.

“Thanks lads, you are the best mates a guy can ask for. I’m so grateful that Jayne made the right decision with who made it into the band,” he said, coming over and giving us a group hug.

We were all hugging when suddenly an idea popped into my head.

“Oh my god!” I exclaimed, or rather yelled.

“What?!” Tom asked.

“JAYNE! We can ask Jayne to represent us!” I said.

The other four boys looked at each other and grinned.

“That, my friend, is an idea of a genius,” Max stated.

“But we still need a record label,” Tom pointed out, “Like no disrespect, but I’m not fond of Geffen records. That’s partly why we left Jayne’s management in the first place.”

“Shall we call Jayne then?” Jay asked.

“I reckon we should find a record label first. I mean, we KNOW Jayne is going to say yes… she’s like the mother of The Wanted,” I threw into the conversation.

“But the list is almost finished and we still haven’t got anyone…” Nathan moaned.

I must have been feeling particularly smart today, because another genius idea popped into my head.

“Or have we?” I asked the boys, slyly grinning.

“I don’t like the look on his face…” Jay said, “Seev… what are you thinking?”

I grabbed my phone from the table I’d placed it on and flicked through my contact list, looking for the name I was after. Once I found it, I clicked call and held it up to my ear.

It rang… and rang… until it was picked up.

*Unknown’s P.O.V*

My phone began ringing. I groaned and pulled myself up from the floor and took my phone from my mate who was holding it out to me.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“Siva from The Wanted,” he replied after glancing at the caller ID.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why was Siva calling me? We hadn’t spoken for quite sometime now, and I was as confused as my other three mates who were now crowded around, eager to listen to the conversation.

“Hello?” I asked as I picked up the phone.

“Hey, it’s Seev. I’ve got a favour to ask of you…”


Author's Note: Sorry for all the suspense endings xD

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