Thirty Seven

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*Scooter’s P.O.V*

As I came out of the meeting room and turned my phone on, it instantly began ringing. Looking down at caller ID, I noticed that it was Nathan that was calling.

“Alright Nath?” I asked as I picked the call up.

“Yeah, slowly recovering,” he replied.

“That’s good to know. You been eating well?”

“Trying. The other boys and my mum have been helping though,” he said.

I felt sympathy for the twenty-one year old singer. He was almost twenty-two though. Haven’t the years gone fast… only a few years ago he was the eighteen year old lad I’d agreed to manage along with his four bandmates. He had been through so much and probably had it the worst of the bunch; he had to have voice surgery at 19, he had to deal with being called a traitor by some of his own fans because he signed with me for a solo career, and now he was dealing with an eating disorder? I could only hope the rest of his life went smooth.

“That’s brilliant. It’s always good to have family and friends helping,” I said.

“Yeah, though the boys are practically family,” he responded.

“Yes, so I… uhm I’m presuming you’re calling about the contract?” I asked.

“That I am. I'm at the airport and I'll be right over to your office as soon as I touch down. The boys and I thought hard about it, whether it was worth going back to the band. At the end of the day it was my decision to make, and I told them I was going to do what I felt was right for me and what I’d probably enjoy better. So taking that into account, I’m going to...”

*Nathan’s P.O.V*

Hanging up the call, I sighed. I was to write a new song, and I had until I got to the US to come up with ideas.

I was hoping that Gemma would have the sense to pack her bags and leave by the time I got back to my house, because I really couldn’t be bothered to deal with her at the moment. I had too much in my mind; I felt as though I’d let down some people. I guess life was full of decisions though, decisions you couldn’t change, and I could only hope I’d made the right one.

My flight was called and I made my way to the gate, handing my boarding pass to the flight attendant. She checked it and smiled at me, before she let me in.

I found my seat on the plane and relaxed. I was flying economy class because I wasn’t about to become one of those stuck up celebrities who refused to travel in anything but private jets and first class.

Fixing my beats on top of my ears, I put the volume up and leant back as Boyz II Men filled my ears. I took a pen out of my jacket and my notepad from my bag, placing it on the small pullout table in front of me. I stared out at the runway as I tried to think up an idea for a new song.

Many scribbles later, I’d finally come up with a song. One that I was sure would be somewhat of a big hit… I hoped.

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