Chapter 10

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The next school day passes with stolen glances and anticipation. It's supposed to be a clear night, so it'll be perfect for the stargazing date Kahoot has planed this evening.

Bay isn't at school this morning, but she probably will be this afternoon. Camille is sick, so Bay stayed home to take care of her while her parents are at work. She's very fond of her little sister. So, it's just you, Kahoot, and Phoenix during lunch today.

Kahoot clears his throat. "So, I think it's safe to say that that prank blew up in our faces."

For their gag, Kahoot didn't pick Kai for any reason in particular; he was just a convenient victim, being Phoenix's lab partner and all. However, Phoenix doesn't really like Kai (especially when he's with Bay) so even though they picked him out of convenience, Phoenix is glad it was him. Well, was glad.

Phoenix snorts.

"Really, now?" His tone is sarcastic. Bay is currently ignoring both of them, which is really the only downfall of the whole thing. She had taken a liking to Kai, and didn't appreciate the mini explosion. Though, her silence is affecting Phoenix more than it is Kahoot.

"Okay so, like, we should probably do something a little less," Kahoot makes an exaggerated hand moment, "conspicuous next time."

"Ya think?"

That discussion ends with the decision to fill up Mr. Adams classroom with plastic balls next week. Kahoot didn't know how'd they get them, but apparently Phoenix knows a guy.


Bay was at school that afternoon, so her and Phoenix walk side-by-side on their way home. However, she's still giving him the cold shoulder about the prank. It's such a small thing, but it really makes her think of all of the other little things as well. He's loud, profane, inconsiderate, and never talks about what's bothering him.

His negativities build up in her head, steadily forming a wall until it looms. It blocks out all of the other things that she loves about him.

"Kai didn't deserve that," she says suddenly. It takes Phoenix a moment to realize what she's talking about.

"Bay, it was just a harmless prank. All in good fun," he replies nonchalantly, waving his hand in dismissal. It makes her frown.

"I would't exactly call it "harmless"," she scolds.

He tries to nudge her playfully with his shoulder.

"C'mon, the only things that got hurt were his pride and eyebrows," he tries to joke. She doesn't budge.

"Still, like I said, not something he deserved," Bay mumbles.

This angers him. "And why not, huh? He's an obnoxious how come you even care?" he taunts.

"Because it was dangerous! You could have really hurt him," she shouts.

Phoenix turns towards her.

"You know what? He did deserve it, because he's not a nice person. But what he doesn't deserve, is you standing up for him and being his friend."

She scoffs. "What are you, jealous?"


She walks into his personal space and jabs his shoulder.

"No, seriously. Are you? Because you're sure acting like it. I can be friends with anyone I want, thanks, and I don't need anyone judging my decisions. And you don't need to worry about Kai, because even if I did like him, I certainly don't like you," she spits out.

The part about not liking him is a lie, intended to hurt, but Phoenix doesn't know that. For a split second, devastation flickers across his features. But then his eyes harden, as does his heart.

"Fuck off."

A gasp. Then a shocked silence.

"Fine." Bay does a 180 in her boots and starts walking away from her house.

Phoenix doesn't know where she's going, but he wishes she'd come back.


Kahoot's truck (his mom's, really) pulls up in front of your house. It's a chilly night, so he's glad he brought blankets. Music is playing softly from the radio as you open the car door.

" this oldies?" you comment.

"Heh, yeah. It's the channel my mom listens to. I would change it, but the switch is sorta broken right now."

Once you're in, Kahoot backs up and starts driving. A quick google search was able to show him a place not too far from Maple Park, that has little to no light pollution. Perfect for stargazing.

The song "I Want to Hold your Hand" by The Beatles starts playing. It's the first time you hear of it, but Kahoot starts humming to the beat.

Oh, yeah, I tell you something
I think you'll understand

Kahoot's humming gets louder.

When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand

You try to hum to it, but the beat is unfamiliar. Your voice stumbles. Kahoot hears you humming and smiles at your attempts. He gets louder.

Oh please say to me
You'll let me be your man

By time the song is halfway done, you catch onto the beat. Your purrs harmonize with his.

When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand

"That something," he whispers, so low you almost don't hear it. Hesitantly, you reach towards the steering wheel and intwine your fingers with his.

His smiles brightly.

Your hands stay joined together until Kahoot finally says that you're here. The car pulls up, and you're clearly the only ones in the area. Glancing out the window, you see that the forecast was right - the night is as clear as the adoration on Kahoot's face.

You're both left alone, yet surrounded, by billions of stars.

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