Chapter 4

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As soon as they entered the office building, Raymond heard shuffling of feet and felt a force hit his stomach. Someone was- hugging him? This someone could only be about four feet tall. He hides his surprise long enough for the child to let go.

"You're not Julia!" He felt the small girl back away. He smiled anyways. Hugs make him smile.

"Sorry to disappoint. I'm Raymond. Who are you?" Raymond kneels down in front of the child. At least he assumes he is in front of the child. He has amazing balance and navigation skills for not being able to see.

"I'm Dakota. I'm waiting for my sister to get here. Are you part of the new family Daddy's helping?" That's when Raymond realizes that he's speaking to Julia's little sister. Realization dawns on him as he hears Julia's voice in his head. My little sister is blind as well.

"Yes, I think so." Raymond giggles a little. He feels a hand on his shoulder. A small hand with very callused skin. It can't be his mother because hers are soft and smooth.

"Raymond, this is my little sister. The one I told you about. Kota, this is a friend of mine. He's blind too." Julia's voice comes from behind him. Raymond hears a deep intake of breath and assumes Dakota is smiling. It's amazing to know you're not alone. Raymond would know.

"Cool! I've never met anyone like me before! How'd you become blind?" Julia pats Raymond on the shoulder.

"Kota you can't just ask someone how they went blind. For if he wanted you to know he would tell you."

"No, it's okay Julia. She's only a child. My parents got in a car accident when I was a baby and I had to get surgery to get metal out of my eyes. I was already half blind, but the doctors took care of the rest." He frowns sadly. That's when he feels a hand touch his other shoulder. He recognizes it as his mother's by the natural coldness of the touch.

"Oh. I was born this way, baby." The child says jokingly. Raymond smiles weakly.

"Hey, Kota why don't you go talk to daddy. I'd like to speak to Raymond alone for a minute." There was a slight pause before the child skipped off. He feels the pair of callused hands take his, as Julia helps him to his feet. His mother pats him on the shoulder and tells him she has to take care of some things. Then she walks off.

"I'm so sorry. About everything." Raymond looks up at her, silently signaling his confusion. Julia knows because Dakota does the same thing. "About Dakota asking you something like that. Mostly about your response, though. That's terrible. I'm sorry. I guess I just assumed you were born this way." Raymond waits for her to continue, but when she doesn't he responds.

"It's okay. It's not your sister that upset me." They are walking along the sandy expanse of the desert now. Raymond can feel the rough sand through his sandals. " I lost my father in that crash." His voice is quite edgy.

"I'm so sorry. I know it's terrible living without a parent. My mother died a week before Dakota was due. They had to c-section. The doctors think that's why She's blind."

"I'm sorry. That must have been terrible."

"It's alright. That was six years ago. It doesn't really bother me anymore."

"That's not true. I can tell by the tone in your voice that it still does." Raymond's special senses come in handy sometimes.

"You know, for only knowing me two hours you sure are easy to talk to. I've told you more than I've ever told anyone before. Of course I don't really have anyone else to tell..."

"It's okay I don't have anyone to talk to either. I stopped trying to make friends a long time ago. I used to get bullied a lot. I felt like people gave up on me so I gave up on them. But you- you're different. I don't quite understand it. It's amazing."

"Okay, Romeo." She giggles and something in his heart aches to hug her. To hold her. What is this feeling? What does it mean?

"Maybe I can be your friend." Raymond suggests, biting his tongue afterwards. What is he thinking?

"Maybe. I could use a good friend. You seem fit enough for the position." Her answer takes him off guard.

"Alright. Friends it is." Raymond hears his mother calling his name off in the distance and wonders how far they travelled. As he makes his way back to her, Julia by his side, he feels unshakeable. Unstoppable. He smiles this biggest smile his mother has ever seen as they make their way home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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