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Grace woke up grinning from ear to ear and bounced off her bed. Sure, she wouldn't be dressing up going to school - that was kind of lame. But tonight she'd be going trick or treating with Max, they'd briefly made plans to meet the day before and she wasn't going to prevent a chance to bond with her new bestie. Taking some of her mom's old clothes, she was planning on going as a stereotypical model from the 60's. Grace didn't necessarily want to go all out on a costume but she still wanted to make an effort.

Morning at the Knightwood household proceeded as it usually did, with Delancey entering the scene while complaining about something related to school, Tabitha turning off her hearing aid so she didn't have to listen, Rich's obvious absence and Lizzy's habit of fussing over each of the girls.

Grace had opted to not go to school with her costume on after getting a heads up from Veronica and Connie that nobody else would be wearing them.

Well, nobody else apart from the boys.

As soon as Grace entered the school halls she could see them stick out individually like sore thumbs. Dustin was ranting about how it was a 'conspiracy' that how last year they turned up being the only ones not in costume, making Grace smirk and approach them. Mike's eyes widened as soon as he saw her in his line of vision.

"Be cool." He warned the others, but mostly himself. His jealousy fueled questioning really came off as obsessive at the arcade and he was a little embarrassed to talk to Grace again. The girl started walking alongside them.

"Two Venkmans, interesting choice." She smirked after inspecting both Mike and Lucas' name tags.
"Mike's delusional self seems to remember me agreeing to be Winston which, by the way - never happened." Lucas ranted to Grace, immediately feeling more comfortable with Grace beside him. He'd really loved having her in the group again and he wasn't ashamed to admit it like Mike was. Being stuck with the boys all day was very tedious and while Grace was gone, he'd really missed having someone who could appreciate his sassy comments and looks. She scrunched her face up in agreement with Lucas.

"Nobody wants to be Winston, man."
Lucas' face lit up as he motioned towards her in agreement.
"Exactly Grace! God I'm glad to have someone here that knows what they're talking about."

Mike shook his head, not wanting to admit that the found the whole situation rather comical. "Mike, you'd make a pretty good Slimer. Green facepaint and all." She winked at him, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Ha-ha very funny."

Dustin finally pitched in, calm now. "We are missing a Dana though, any chance you could join us tonight for trick or treating?" He asked the girl with hopeful eyes. Usually Grace would cave into his puppy face, but she had to stay loyal to Max.

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