Chapter 13

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I wake with a start. A pounding in
my head clouds my vision and I instantly feel angry. I get off the couch I was sleeping on and inch my way towards the Tylenol. Revenge may be important but it can surely wait. Apparently there's another game of candor and dauntless tonight. I'm not sure if I'll go. I'd much rather be
kicking some ass but with Christina as a best friend, I'm never sure if I can make it out alive. I'm shaken from my thoughts when a door closes. Tobias steps into view and runs to me when he realizes I'm awake.
"Hey babe." He says lovingly and surely, "how are you feeling?" The question is almost humorous that to me but I shake it off and answer with a simple,
"Fine, thanks for asking." He laughs at me and takes my hand.
"Tris Prior." I give him a weird look and slowly say,
"Yes?" He looks me on the eyes intensely and asks me the only question I don't want to hear,
"Where are Evelyn and Marcus?"

Tris is awake and seems to be shaken up a bit. I have no idea what they did to her but I'm sure it wasn't good. All my life I've searched for someone to love who will love me back just as much. But when I first met tris I just knew I wouldn't let her slip away. I couldn't let her go. She crowded my every thought and affected my every move. Shes the only part of me I don't want to change because she is perfect just the way she is. I hope she know that. Tris gets up and goes to the bathroom. All of a sudden I hear a crashing sound and series of very very choice words that follow. I hurry to the door and try to open it, I jiggle the door handle and beat my hand on the door.
"Tris?! Hey tris open up!" I scream. There's no response. I begin violently pounding on the door, and trying to kick it down but I can't even think straight. What if she's dead? And on that thought, I take three steps back and let my foot fly. With a thud, the door falls on the floor and what I see in the bathroom is a scene I never want to see again. Tris is lying on the ground holding her TOE while biting her lip so hard that it started bleeding.
"Why didn't you answer me?" I screech at her. She just laughs at me and gets up.
"Because it's funnier watching you get scared." I give her the dirtiest look. And watch her leave the bathroom and tell me she has to go get clothes. Oh my god why do I love this girl. And then I realize, she loves me too. And that's what it's all about.
The love shared between two people is supposed to be a secret thing but not in dauntless. There are literally 10 different couples making out in public and nobody notices. As I walk through the compound I come face to face with the person I don't want to see oh wait that's practically the whole world, but the only person I really don't want to see...Jeanine Matthews. Well this can't be good. I try to hide but I am soon interrupted by the chilling voice of a class 5 bitch.
"Tobias Eaton." I reluctantly turn my head and see a blonde haired devil standing across from me. Also, by her side, is a shaggy haired boy, a traitor actually, I hate him for what he said to his sister. I just hate him because he's a nose.
"I've been searching all over for you." Jeanine's voice washes over me and I shiver at the coldness in it.
"Yeah, lucky me." I say back, while rolling my eyes. She lightly laughs.
"I'd ask you politely to come with me but I'm sure you'll refuse." She says slyly,
"Your right as always ms. Matthews." I reply smiling at her. I turn around and try to escape her but I'm stopped by a lanky arm.
"Get your arm away from me Prior or you'll surely regret it." I say threateningly. He stands tall and try's to be tough. He obviously failed. With a swift move of the hand and a satisfying crunch, Caleb's nose is shattered. I give Jeanine a warning look and she just walks away with a whimpering Caleb behind her.

I return to Tobias's apartment to find it empty. I sit on the couch and wonder where the hell he could be. I walk around looking at random things, then I discover a notebook. I hesitate to open it, not knowing if it was something personal. I decide it couldn't hurt to take a peek inside. I read the first few words and I am instantly hooked. They read "The plan to save Natalie Prior." Why does he need to save my mom?

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