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Natalie's pov

School was closed because of a very bad blizzard that was heading our way. Cassie was of course happy from this news, but I wasn't really; only because I didn't get to see Jacob. We started dating a couple weeks ago, and I just can't get my mind off of him. It's like I've never felt this type of love before. He always come over, and Cassie is starting to like him. She used to never even talk to him, not even at school, but ever since the incident that happened with Oli and his new girl, she decided to start liking Jacob.

"Hey mom, I'm bored." Cassie said, dragging out the d.

"Why won't you watch Netflix, YouTube, play your Xbox one?"

"Because there's nothing to watch, and I already finished all my games on Xbox."

"Well, what do you wa.." the doorbell ringed, which startled me. Who could be coming to my house when there's a bad blizzard on it's way? I walked to the door and saw that it was Jacob. "Jacob, what the hell are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see my beautiful girlfriend." He said giving me a hug and kiss. His accent was very noticeable in that sentence.

"Thanks babe, but did you not here about the storm that's on its way?"

"Yeah, I did. I came over here to make sure you two were okay."

"Thanks, and we're fine." We both walked to the couch, Cassie walked next to us and gave Jacob a hug. I was so glad to see her get along with him.

"Hey Mr. Toryenko." She said.

"Please, just call me Jacob, or Mr. Jacob."

"Okay, Mr. Jacob." She started laughing.

"Hey, I got both of you guys something. Since it's the middle of November, and Christmas is right around the corner, I thought that I might buy us tickets to see the Nutcracker." He pulled out three tickets to the Nutcracker.

"Jacob, those tickets were expensive! You didn't have to do that."

"I know, but I wanted to. I thought it would be a fun thing to do. Plus, my family is actually in the play, so I got the tickets on discount. This would be a great chance to meat them."

I'm meeting his parents already? We literally been dating for three weeks.

"Oh, wow. I can't wait." I was really nervous though. What if his parents don't like me?

"Me either. Hey, how about we watch a movie?"

"Okay, what movie?"

"Ooh, can we watch Finding Nemo?" Cassie asked.

"Sure, that's one of my favorite movies." Jacob agreed.

We found the movie, and started to watch it. Jacob and I sat together, while Cassie laid across us. It looked like we were just a regular family, a happy family. I couldn't help but smile, and Jacob caught me smiling.

"гарний." He said, which is beautiful in Ukrainian . I know this word because he says it all the time. He always calls me beautiful.

It was the middle of the movie, and Cassie was already asleep. There was no way that me and Jacob could've moved because she fell asleep across us. I looked over to Jacob to see him chuckle to one of the jokes on Nemo. He was so cute, but he started to remind me of someone. Someone that I used to sit down with and watch movies with. Why am I thinking about him? I'm over him, I moved on. I turned back to the TV and continued watching. I felt his hand move to my hand. He gave my hand a big squeeze. I look over to him again, and he was looking at me. We both leaned in and kissed.  I felt nothing but warmth when our lips connected. Everything felt right, this all felt natural.

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