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"Mom, wake up. It's thanksgiving." Cassie yelled like a five year old. I have no idea why she's so happy since we have no plans.

"Cassie, why are you so energized? It's literally nine in the morning."

"Well, I was thinking that me and you can go out and have a mother and daughter thanksgiving breakfast."

I smiled and kissed her on her forehead. "That would be nice. Let me get ready, and we'll head out to wherever you want to go."

I took my shower, got dressed, and did my hair. I didn't put makeup on because I wasn't impressing anyone. Cassie was already dressed, so I didn't have to wait for her. We got in the car, and started heading out to Denny's, which is where Cassie chose to eat at. Cassie and I used to always eat at Denny's for breakfast back then, but that stopped when she became older.

We arrived at Denny's, which wasn't really packed. There was only seven cars outside. We got our table and ordered our food. I got the cheese omelette, and Cassie just got pancakes. It didn't take long for our food to come out.

"So mom, what happened between you and Mrs. Toryenko last night?"

I totally forgot about what happened last night, and I wished that I never remembered.

"Cassie, it's really non of your busine.."

"But I want to know. You seemed really upset last night. I tell you everything, so why can't you tell me about this?"

I sighed as I took a bite of my omelette. "Look, Cassie, things are different when you tell me stuff. You're my kid, so you should be comfortable telling me things. I'm an adult. My problems shouldn't concern you."

"Wow, thanks mom. I guess you still loving Oli doesn't concern me either." Cassie scoffed while eating her pancake.

"Wait, what?"

"You're not really good at quietly talking on the phone. I went to say good morning to you after Jacob left, but I heard you talking on the phone. I heard you talking to Oli, and I also heard you say that you still loved him."

"Cassie, you shouldn't have heard that."

"I know, I know. But I'm actually glad I did. You still love dad, and that means that there is still hope for a future."

"Cassie, yes I do love Oli, but he's still dating that Alissa chick. I Can't compete with her. I mean, she's a model, she's beautiful, and everyone loves and adores her." I was surprised that I told Cassie this, but maybe she could actually help me out.

"Mom, you are wayyy prettier than Alissa. Yeah , she may be a model, but that doesn't mean that she has it all. Plus, she's not really that pretty. Dad could do way better, and his better is you. Hey, Christmas and New Years are coming up, how about we go up there and visit."

"Oh Cassie we can't do that."

"Why not? We could go up there and win dad back. He said he loved you back, so I'm pretty sure he would dump Alissa for you." She said smiling .

"Ughhh, I can't believe I'm letting my fourteen year old daughter drag me into this. I'll see what I can do, but I'm not making any promises."

"Yessss!" Cassie squealed really loud, which caused the whole restaurant to stare at us. "We are going to be a happy family. I can just feel it."

We finished eating our food and drove back home. I was pretty stuffed from breakfast, so I just sat on the couch with Cassie and watched tv. No one is coming over today, so I don't bother cooking. There's no reason to make a big thanksgiving dinner if there's only two of us.

I was enjoying the tv until someone ranged the doorbell.

"Who could that be?" Cassie asked.

I walked to the door and looked out the peep hole. It was Jacob standing at the door. He looked upset. I opened the door, and he looked even more upset than before.

"Hey Natalie, can we please talk?"

"Ugh sure, come in." I gestured inside.

"Um, i would rather stay outside. Cassie is in the living room, and i would like to have this conversation in private."

I grabbed my jacket that was hanging by the door and walked outside.

"So, what's up?" I asked.

"My mom told me what went down last night, and I can't believe it. How could you be so damn rude?"

"What are you talking about? Your mom was the one being disrespectful. She was calling me a whore because I had Cassie at a young age. She was saying so many rude things."

"Oh wow, now you're lying? That's not what went down, and you know it."

"Again, what are you talking about?"

"My mom said that you were talking crap about the family, and that you were planning on breaking up with me. If you didn't want to be with me, why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"What the hell, your mom is lying! I wasn't talking crap at all. I didn't feel good, so I went to the bathroom. Then, your mom came in and started talking crap about me! She said that you deserve someone other than me, and that I'm nothing but a whore."

"That's a lie, my mother would never say anything like that." He yelled, which caused his Ukrainian accent to come out.

"You know what, believe what you want, but I never said any of that."

"Well I believe my mom, and I think that we should end this relationship.

"Fine. Whatever you want." I went back inside and slammed the door on his face.

I can't believe his plastic mom lied on me. That bitch is fifty shades of fucked up.

"Mom, what happened?" Cassie asked.

"Jacob's mom lied on me and made him breakup with me."

"Wow, she seemed mean. I Never really trusted her."

"I never did either. There's no way someone  could be 50 and look 20 without plastic surgery. Anyways, let's just watch tv."

We sat back on the couch and continued to watch tv. I've been planning to breakup with Jacob, but I didn't think that it would happen this way. I also feel a little hurt about it, but I'm not going to let that bother me. Now I can go after the one man I really love, and his name is Oliver Scott Sykes.

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