Chapter 4

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Shiro's POV

It was just a normal day at Ashinaka High School, I was wondering down the hallways making my way to the cafeteria at a leisurely pace humming to myself, my little brother, Nai, skipped along beside me. Even though he was only twelve years old the school had let Nai stay on campus for a couple of weeks while our parents were on a business trip. I smiled, my little brother was soooooooo cute! Especially with his snowy white hair that often covered his unusually bright silvery-blue eyes, I thought that in a couple of years' time the girls will be swarming all around him, not that they weren't doing so already because of his absolute cuteness!

We entered the cafeteria and each got a box of free rice from the serving ladies, I then wondered up to one of the male students to see if he would lend me some meat.

"I'm soooooo sorry but I forgot my lunch today can I have some of yours?"

"Hell no I've heard that excuse before" the kid looked angry, uh oh. He started choking me but stopped when I almost dropped my lunch, and then he proceeded to give me some battered fried fish, mmmmmmm yummy. I looked over to my little brother, who was working his charms on some girls, who were giving him food left, right and centre (and who wouldn't because he was so cute), good for him! We went outside and received some more food from some other students, I heard someone call me, but I didn't practically feel like doing any jobs at the moment, so Nai and I made our way to the roof. We were about to eat when we heard a small meow. A tiny pinkish coloured cat made its way towards us.

"Hello, I'm guessing you're hungry?" I found myself asking the cat, who mewed at me again.

"We'll take that as a yes wont we Shiro nii-san?" Nai asked cutely. I smiled and nodded, we both shared our meal with the cat and I stretched out in the warm sunshine with Nai snuggled up to my side. My head was under my umbrella and the cat curled up on my chest.

"Everything is so beautiful here in Japan, what a wonderful country!"

Nai's POV

Shiro and I rushed down the hallway towards our classroom, Shiro had forgotten the time and now we were late for class. Yeah, I attend classes with Shiro because the teachers think it would be a good experience for me to see how high school works; it's so boring that it makes me want to cry!!!! Our cat who I named Neko was sitting on Shiro's shoulder, she looked quite pleased with herself, I like Neko. Shiro and I finally made it and burst through the doors.

"Is there anyone not doing anything to help out with the festival?" I heard my friend Kukuri ask.

Everyone looked at Shiro, who laughed and started scratching the back of his neck. Kukuri tried to send Shiro a shopping list via her PDA; doesn't she know that nii-san lost his?

"Um, Kukuri, Shiro lost his PDA"

"I didn't lose it, I.... um.... Misplaced it?" It sounded more like a question than a statement.

"That isn't an excuse Shiro, oh fine, I'll write it down for you" Kukuri said, "Here, make sure you get back before six O' clock Ok? Hang on, how are you going to get out without your PDA?" Shiro just took the note and smiled.

"Don't worry about it, we'll get your stuff for you" Shiro reassured.

...Time skip...

"Come back soon" The shop owner called out after us.

"Thank you so much mister" I answered cheerfully.

"Now have we forgotten anyth..." Shiro started when suddenly this guy came out of nowhere on a skateboard and swung a baseball bat at us. We fell over when trying to dodge, but the bat just clipped the side of my head.

"OUCH!!!!!" I cried out. The guy stopped and pulled up a photo, it looked exactly like a creepy Shiro nii- san! He pulled up another one that showed Shiro and me walking in the crowd and smirked triumphantly.

"Hi?" Really Shiro, really?

Next thing I knew Shiro grabbed my hand and started running, I had no problems keeping up, I was fast for a 12 year old, but my head was throbbing painfully and things were starting to get blurry. The traffic had stopped and Shiro heaved me up into the back of a truck that took off just as we were in. Thank goodness, I needed to stop, thing are seriously getting fuzzy now. The truck stopped again and immediately we were attacked by the skateboard guy again, how did he catch up so fast? We were attacked again, this time by a two guys on a motorbike; we have to get out of here! Shiro dragged me off the truck and back onto the streets; I was seeing black spots now.

"Shiro, we have to slow down" I pleaded.

"We have to find a place to hide, Nai can you hold on a little bit longer?" Shiro asked worried.

The Skateboard guy blocked our path; we turned around and saw the motorbike guys blocking the other way. Shiro pulled me down an alleyway, and I could hear the others pursuing us. We turned down another alley and found a tall guy smoking there.

"Sorry, coming though and HELP!!!" Shiro yelled.

The guy just flicked his cigarette and suddenly, there were several fireballs hurling towards us. Oh no, this guy was with the others. I fell to my knees, black dots clouded my vision, and I knew I couldn't go on. I felt Shiro nii-san embrace me, and we waited for death. But it never came, I felt Shiro being torn from me.

"NII-SAN!!!!!" I cried out. I tried to stand up but I just felt myself falling, someone caught me by my collar and all went black.

*Author note: Poor little Yuki, what will happen to him? Find out next Chapter. Ta-ta, Ginger-Chan

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