Chapter 6

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A/N: Hello everyone! I know it has been a long time since I have updated this story so let me answer a few questions for you guys:

Where Have You Been?: Well I'm a grown woman now and when I first started writing stories, I was only about 13 or 14 years old. Now that doesn't mean I stopped playing the Game or stopped writing. I just stopped posting stories online for a while. I'm very old school when it comes to writing ahaha. I like to write in a notebook, then type it up onto my computer and then upload it to said reading sites. To some, that might seem like nothing, but honestly it's a lot especially tying it along with my job and college. But Hey! 5 years is long enough to wait for a new chapter huh?

Why Is This Story Going So Fast?: Well as you all know how many worlds have come since the beginning of W101. And I feel like if I sat there and went on and on about EVERY single battle from EVERY world, this story would be way longer than it needs to be lol. So for the first couple of worlds I kind of want to go through them as fast as possible until we get to the places where the plot thickens a bit, because I personally think that the worlds past Dragonspyre are the best! ( But Dragonspyre in the juiciest part of this story so far lol)

If you guys have any other questions; do let me know!



It was hot. Too hot. Tara looked round at her surroundings.


Ancient ruins surrounded the area she was in. She was wearing green and black armor. A broken cowl that lay next to her was also the same colors, so she assumed that it was hers. Looking ahead of her she saw a girl. The aura surrounds her was a dark and gloomy gray. She had long black hair, but Tara was not able to see her face. Her tattered robes blew in the hot wind; exposing her wounds. The strange girl turned her head slowly toward Tara as fire embers flew past her face. Tara's blue eyes grew wide as the now exposed face of the girl came into her view. Tara took a step toward her, keeping her blue eyes, which matched this strangers identically, on her.

'W-who are you?......Where are my friends?!'

Suddenly a strong gust of wind blew in their direction; making Tara cover her face from the flying debris.

'Here He comes! Prepare yourself Sister!' the black haired mage yelled over the wind while gripping her staff.

'Sister?...' Tara opened her eyes to peer in front of her yet again. Her eyes widened as a man who's magical oozed off of his broad form. His aura was darker than the night and it looked like many creatures lived within. His receding hairline form into a strong widow's peak. His iris' were white and his sclera's were black. He had cat fish like facial hair and his finger nails were painted black. He had on black and gold robes with a matching staff.

'Prepare yourself my Children, for I shall teach you what true power is!'

A bright light shinned from the red orb on his staff which mad Tara shield her face once more and her world went dark once again...


When the dirty blonde opened her eyes in the dark room she almost didn't know where she was. The arm that was wrapped around her tightened slightly as the figure behind her rose up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2017 ⏰

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