Tuesday, September 8th - L O U I S

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Every single Hogwarts student; Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws and Gryffindors and Slytherins could all agree that transfiguration was one of the best subjects the renowned wizarding school had to offer, but Louis Tomlinson despised it. He didn't see the point of listening to an old woman blab and blab and go on and on about turning a mirror into a ferret. Yes, Professor McGonagall was a badass and one of the best professors Hogwarts had to offer, balancing both her role as a headmaster and a transfiguration professor to 997 students as well as being a mother hen to the poor bastards who had a hard time at home. But the subject was dull and boring and confusing, and Louis wanted nothing more than to be rid of it, which was why he and Oli and their mastermind Eleanor were staying up late in their common room, planning the semesters first PP - Professor Prank. They had done PP ever since their first year, starting with Professor Slughorn and moving through all the professors, until now, their seventh and last year, where they would target Professor Minerva McGonagall. A dangerous, dangerous task, with many possible ways for it to backfire, but backing out was not an option. They had to prank her. They had set out a date for the "McGee McPrank-plan" already in the first week of their second year and were eager to see it through.

"How about a charm that transfigures her into something different than a cat next time she tries to show off?" Said Oli, to which Louis nodded eagerly.

"Yes! Something like an ant-eater or a platypus. Or an armadillo!" He commented and high five his ginger friend, before turning to Eleanor with hope.

"Yes, brilliant idea!" Her voice dripped with sarcasm and she rolled her eyes. "Tell me, lads, when was the last time you managed an animal transfiguration timer-spell on the most vigilant woman in Britain?"

Louis sighed. "You do it then if you're so clever! Go on! Make up the plan all by yourself and just let us know when you're finished!" He said, irritated that she was so quick to dismiss their plan even though he knew she was right and it would never work, but he grabbed every opportunity he got to be mad at Eleanor.

"Let's keep it simple." Eleanor began, but couldn't get any further until Oli interrupted her.

"Woah, woah, woah! This is our last PP. We cannot keep it simple, it would be super disappointing. McGee knows we're doing this, she's not stupid, so let's just go wild when we have the opportunity." He said, and Louis agreed, but Eleanor shook her head.

"Sometimes I begin to wonder how you two could ever survive without me." she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Like you said, McGonagall expects us to do something big. So if we do something small and mediocre, something simple, she won't see it coming. We'll get away with it, and the moment she thinks it's over, we'll pull the real prank."

Louis nodded slowly. She was brilliant, that Eleanor Calder. Absolutely mental, but brilliantly so.

"I'm in," said Oli.

"Me too," said Louis.

The devilish brunette had a smirk plastered on her face as she clasped her hands together. "Let's plan our grand finale."


As Louis and Oli went separate ways after their Charms class, Louis decided to head past the Hufflepuff common room and embarrass his sister in front of her friends, which was really just an excuse for him to check up on her. Also, an excuse to sneak into the kitchens and bribe some house elves to smuggle Firewhiskey into Hogwarts as Friday night was party night for Louis' group of friends. The first Friday of every month they all gathered in the Slytherin dormitory, laughing and talking and, as of the second term of their fifth year, drinking. It was amazing how close Firewhiskey could bring a bunch of completely different personalities together. Take Zayn Malik, for example; a Ravenclaw who tagged along with his older friend one year and ended up spending seven minutes in heaven with the silver Slytherin princess Perrie Edwards. They dated for an entire year after that, which was longer than most inter-house relationships. Inter-house relationships never worked out, which Perrie and Zayn only further proved when they broke up.
A Gryffindor and a Ravenclaw could never work, because Gryffindors would get tired of the Ravenclaws outsmarting them and the Ravenclaws would get tired of the Gryffindors' stupidity.
A Hufflepuff couldn't be with a Gryffindor because they were all a bunch of wimps, except Louis' sister and Teddy Lupin of course.
A Ravenclaw and a Hufflepuff could work, but eventually, Hufflepuffs would get bored with staying in and avoiding people.
Ravenclaws and Slytherin would never stop competing about who's smarter and gets higher grades.
Of course, a Gryffindor and a Slytherin could never work as they literally hate each other. Gryffindors are too stubborn, reckless and idiotic for a Slytherin to ever like, and Slytherins are too smart for the Gryffindors to even begin to comprehend.
Hufflepuff and Slytherin would be the best match as they could complete each other, but even there, a fallout would be unavoidable. The snakes love their power too much and the badgers love to be humble. Eventually, a Slytherin would be to hard-headed and say something stupid, and the Hufflepuff wouldn't forgive them because they have 'standards' or whatever.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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