Chapter 9

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After several minutes they footage and played it... While they played Alex, Bob, and Frank were all astonished on what they saw they didn't say anything until the end of the footage. Alex said after the video, "See I told you we didn't do anything that caused anyone to panic. Happy now!?!?!" Crystal then said "There's no reason to get all....."

Frank then interpreted Crystal, "Wait a minute... I think in the footage I saw someone in the past look at us while we were getting in the time machine." While they all looked at the footage a couple more times.

Meanwhile in the past Past Crystal "Did I just see another Frank get into another time machine with Bob and Alex?!?!?" Susie and Frank looked at what they just saw and went back to the time machine to ask the other Harley if Bob and Alex were there with her and she said "Yes they are here?!?!? Is something the matter?!?!? Why are you asking such a weird question?!?! Crystal that is unlike you.... Are you alright do you guys need to come back?!?!?"

Crystal then replied "No I'm fine?!? But I do have a question for all three of you though?!?!?"

Harley, Bob, and Alex all replied "What is the question?? WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!?!? Are you guys ok?!?!?"

Crystal replied "Yes we are fine, but we want to know if it's possible to another one of us???"

Alex responded, "Yes you would see us because you went back in time... Why would you ask that kind of question???"

Crystal was a little annoyed, but responded "No I meant a second Alex, Bob, and Frank??" They were all speechless for a couple minutes.

Bob responded "Did they see you?? Are you guys fine?? If you guys are fine finish the work they stated and the construction helmet. You got that??"

Crystal responded "I think they saw us, but we are fine, and ok we will do both of the work. See you guys in a little while..." After an hour or so in the past they finished both of the work and left. 

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