I'm So Sorry. (TJ Bell fanfic)

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Before I start this story I would like to note that there will be some triggering events that will occur. Such as bullying, self harm, eating disorders, mental disorders, sexual scenes, and more. If you dont like these kinds of things you might not want to not read this. 

      I walked down the halls of the new school. I was really nervous and I honestly didn't want to be here. I have severe social anxiety and being here not knowing anyone made it worse. I tugged down on the sleeves of my sweater out of habit. A black beanie was on top of my head. I was looking down, my hair covering my face. It was a boring brown color. My black jeans matched my shoes, black combat boots. My sweater was black also. My beanie was purple though. I wore a thin ring of eyeliner and that's about it. I had on some concealer but that was to cover dark rings under my eyes. I stopped at my locker and put everything in there but grabbed a pencil and my science book. The halls had cleared so I figured I was a little late. I waked into the room I thought was science but I was told that it was the History room. I asked where the science room was and when I finally found it I walked in. As soon as I walked in the teacher introuced me, then told me to sit next to this kid who looked like someone I would hang out with. Alot of people where laughing at me quietly. When I sat down next to the boy he just sighed and rolled his eyes. I looked over to him from the corner of my eyes. He looked mad. Did I do something? I thought to myself. He muttered something under his breath but I didn't want to ask. He scared me kind of. I looked at my hands, which where in my lap and waited for class to end. At lunch time I sat alone. I was listening to music quietly and I had a bottle of water. I would have gotten lunch but thanks to the rude comments from some girls I didn't feel comfortable eating around them. I walked to the trash can to throw away my bottle when I ran into someone. I looked up to see it was that kid... TJ i think his name was.

"Sorry" I whispered.

"Watch where you're going next time." He said sounding very annoyed and uninterested. 

"I'm sorry" I said again walking away.

I walked out of the lunch room to go to the bathroom. Big mistake. When I walked out I saw TJ and his friends. I tried to ignore them when they called my name but someone came up behind me and pushed me. I fell and when I flipped over to see who did it they where all surrounding me. 

"Please," I said my eyes welling up with tears. "Just leave me alone."

"Yeah, no. Maybe you need to learn that you can't just walk away from me when I'm talking to you." TJ said.

With that I was kicked in the ribs. Serveral times. Once everyone got a few shots, I was pulled up, pinned to the wall, and punched. Where ever they could get me. Face, stomach, legs. Then when I was starting to think I was going to pass out, he threw me to the floor.

"Next time you'll fucking respect me. Right?" TJ asked.

"Y-yes. Please, don't hurt me anymore." I begged.

Little did I know, that was just the beginning. 


I am really liking this story line. :D

Anyways, PLEASE do not steal my work. If it is in any way shape or form familiar to another storyline, person living or dead, event, or book, it is NOT on purpose. 

I hope you all love this book. I'll be updating sometime this week :D Love you all!!!!!!

<3 - Jaye

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