Dear Dallas

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Dear Dallas,

This is like the third letter that I've sent to you. I know I hurt you, but I never meant to. You hurt me first though. What the fuck else was I suppose to do? I feel like you just ripped my heart out of my chest, and bit into it.

But I don't want to yell at you no more, I just want to be over it.

I wish we could move past this, but that's hard to do when you've moved past the city limits. Maybe if you'd just write me back, I could apologize a little more sincerely. I miss you dearly, I do. I'm just scared that you don't miss me too.

But fuck all that sad shit...

I'm always a savage, but never with you. You were the only one who saw how hurt I was. I never had to hide it with you. You used to feel the same. Hell, maybe you still do.

You said it was me and you forever, but now it's changed. If I could, I'd fly to Tulsa and just be with you. I can't though. We both got way too much shit to do.

I guess that's just not how the world works. I always thought that we would work...

Well, I guess these are my final words. I hope they mean something to you. I hope you think of them sometimes when you're feeling blue. I promise I still love you. I hope you love me too.

I hope I see you again one day, once I'm out of school. Then maybe we can get a drink or two.

Things might be better then.

If you don't respond, I guess this is my last letter then.


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