Dear Dallas

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Dear Dallas,

I haven't wrote to you in a while. I apologize. My minds been occupied.

How're the boys? How's Sylvia doing? You sounded happy in the last letter, is she the reason?

Thanks for sending pictures. Your girl will make a nice Mrs. You're personalities go together perfectly, and you twos aesthetic really pleases me.

I haven't seen you this happy since you turned thirteen. I'm proud of you, and I'm proud of me.

While I still have love for you, I'm glad that we've moved on. If wasn't for that we might still be at the start.

I heard Ponyboy just graduated. Congratulate him for him. I wish I could have been there, but that's a different story.

Now tell Darry he can relax. Hey, by the way, when do you think Soda will be back?

It's getting bad out here. They say they're starting riots in the streets a bit south of here. Bring our boys home? I agree. I wish I knew he was safe, at least to a degree.

I miss him. I wonder if he misses me.

Anyway, how's Steve? I know how hard it can be... to be separated from your best friend is a tragedy.

But look at what it did for you and me. Remind him of that. Tell him that if you hadn't moved moved to Tulsa, we wouldn't have stop bickering.

Besides all that, I have an announcement.

My life's been going well and I decided it's time for me to have child. There's only six more months until we welcome him to life.

Mark can hardly wait, and I'm just excited. I hope you reacted like I did. I don't want you to be upset. Write me back when you get a chance.


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