Voltron crack 3

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Lance: LOL keith have you ever noticed how in any TV show or cartoon ever the blue and red characters always end up together? Haha isn't that crazy?

Keith: H A H A It is crAZY isn't it? sUPER crazy hAHA. it's especially funny because i'm red.... you're blue...

Lance: H A H A I kNOW right??? cRAZY. Like you.... and me... hahahahHAHAHA

Pidge: This would be far less painful if you two just asked each other out already!

Allura: Good Morning everyone!

Shiro: good morning!

Lance: good morning!

Hunk: G-good morning!

Keith: ... good morning

Coran: you all sound like robots, 'good morning, good morning' spice it up!!


Lance: You people have issues.

Lotor: Well of course i have issues! *Points to Zarkon* That's my freakin' father!

Keith: there's no I in team.

Fricking everyone else: WELL THERE'S AN I IN ALIVE SO LET'S START WITH THAT ?!?!?!

Pidge: You're smiling, did something good happen?

Keith: can't i smile because i want to?

Shiro: Lance tripped and fell in the hallway.

Hunk: so.... what's it like being married to keith?

Lance: Once, i asked him for a water while he was pissed at me, and he brought me a glass full of ice and said "wait" .

Keith: hm.. how can i get closer to my galra side.... How do i become more like the blade.....

Keith: *Watches ulaz sacrifice himself*

Keith: *Watches thace sacrifice himself*

keith: Got it.

Imagine this:

Lance, kicking down the kitchen door at exactly midnight on october 23rd and Lance saying : we gonna make this cake we gonna make the best cake he's gonna love the best cake this space cake he will love.

Keith: Why are you staring at me?

Lance: You know what you look like?

keith: what?

Lance: my future boyfriend.

Keith, grabbing Lance's hand: You finally saw it too, huh?

Lance stars speaking spanish around the castle after he realizes that whatever translator they've got in place will translate any  language, including spanish to altean and spanish to english and vice versa, and it's so nice because he gets to speak his own language and have that little piece of home and everyone can still understand him perfectly and anyway my point is that one day Lance calls Coran 'tío' and Coran probably cries. (Tio means uncle)

Coran asks lance to help clean the pods and lance gets up bitching and moaning (I mean he'll help but he'll still complain about it) Because 'ay tio estoy candsaaaado' and Coran is like. Uh.my communicator translated that to uncle? haha thats. uh. funny and lance is like 'oh shit yeah sorry back home we kinda just call any adult we're close to uncle/aunt i'll stop if it's weird though' but jokes on you Lance Coran is already crying because FAMILY!

Halloween with Zarkon

Lotor: *walks in*

Zarkon: Oh what are are supposed to be? A disappointment?

Voltron oneshots (DISCONTINUED For A While Until I Want To Update This)Where stories live. Discover now