Lotor boyfriend scenario

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-He will tell everyone that you are his By holding you, making out with you in VERY public situations, and obvious marks that he's left on your skin.

-If you are not comfortable with it it won't push you, it's just something Galrans do to sorta 'mark their territory' 

-Will put you on his lap and gently wrap his arms around your waist.

-If he is standing behind you, he will rest his chin on top or your head.

-Long soft kisses

-Long loving glances 

-He will start thinking nasty things and has to pinch himself to snap out of it.

-Also will literally kill a man for you.

-Has done it before and you yelled at him, "BABE YOU CAN'T KILL HIM JUST BECAUSE HE SAID I DID GOOD IN TRAINING TODAY!"

"W H Y N O T !"

- He gets really jealous

-He treats you like a fucking princess

-I mean your dating Lotor so you sorta are a princess but god he spoils you

-Gifts galore

-Every gift has meaning behind it

-will do anything for you

-he's very supportive and patient as well

-if you had a bad day because you couldn't get past a certain level in training he makes a great teacher and helps you improve

-is very honest

-he won't give you fake compliments to boost your ego

-if you're feeling down he will ask why, and if it's something your genuinely terrible at he will suggest ways to improve rather than fill you with fake confidence

-but if he does notice something about you that he finds amazing, he will never stop talking about it

-brags about how wonderful you are to literally everyone

-will never shut up about you when you're apart

-if danger is near, his first instinct is to protect you AT ALL COSTS

-he surprisingly has a very calm presence

-if he makes you cry by mistake, will be kinda lost in how to comfort you. There will probably be some awkward hugs and shushes, but hey at least he tried.

Voltron oneshots (DISCONTINUED For A While Until I Want To Update This)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora